
The Abraxas Brood



8 Years
02-16-2017, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2017, 04:25 PM by Solveiga.)
It's up to you whether this character becomes a brother of Amon or a nephew or cousin of Amon, either way I have ideas for his history. But the evil brothers, Fox, feel the tempts...

This application is filled out under the assumption that Melchom is a sibling. But this can easily be changed.

Name: Melchom

Gender: Male

Design: #4, but if it's okay with you Fox, I'd like to swap the blue eyes to green like this!

Selfish. Melchom was raised by the same spiteful father as Amon. From birth, he was taught that he and his blood were to be treated as gods among mortals. Like Amon, Melchom has memories of his father slaughtering two of their other siblings, because they had proven themselves unworthy of the Abraxas name. As a child, Melchom learned quickly that he could not dwell on what happened to others. He came first. His interests and the interests of his family were of top priority. He had no time to help the weak off the ground. In fact, he would stomp the weak into the dust if it meant he would be made stronger. Anything to please his father and bring honor to his blood.

Aggressive. By his own father, Melchom was raised to be ruthless and unforgiving. He will never hesitate to do what is necessary, or even what is unnecessary. He knows the taste of blood. He craves it. He constantly looks for ways to pick a fight, to assert his dominance over others and display his strength.

Fearless. Melchom is not simply brave or courageous. He is fearless, to an almost unhealthy extent. He has no fear of injury or death, which may explain why he is so eager to pick fights and chase thrills. In his mind, fear makes you weak. If Melchom had a singular fear, it would be the fear of failure. He never wants to see his family fail their divine mission. One day they will regain their status as deities, and rule over all the helpless mortals below.

Greedy. He will never be satisfied. It is in his blood. He was raised to always climb higher, to always demand more. As long as Melchom and his family remain on this mortal plane, he will never stop craving that which is rightfully his. Anything he decides he wants, he will fight to get. There is no question. Melchom was raised to have a sense of entitlement, and nothing will ever be able to sate such a hunger.

Sensual. Along with his lust for power, Melchom has a constantly burning lust for women. This is another area in which we will never be satisfied. He really has no standards, either. When it comes to sex and chasing his own release, he could care less who he's with. However, he cannot afford to have the same mindset when it comes to the continuation of his bloodline. He was taught well enough to know that only a strong and healthy female could be worthy to carry his offspring.

Plans: Melchom had the same idea as Amon, originally. He found and conquered a healthy female as well, and tried to keep a close eye on her until the pups were born. However, she could tell that something wasn't right, and knew that if she bore the children they would not be raised in an emotionally healthy way. So she poisoned herself. She ate harmful herbs that she knew would terminate her pregnancy, and then tried to pass it off as natural miscarriage. But Melchom saw through the lies, and when he discovered what the woman had really done, he killed her. He was enraged to know that his offspring had been killed so carelessly, so he did the same with their mother to be.

Now he has come in search of his brother, having heard that his female had successfully birthed and nurtured her children. Melchom cannot deny the hint of jealousy he feels at this knowledge. But he knows he will find a proper mother for his children eventually. And until then, he can be the beloved uncle of Amon's children, and he can help to teach them everything they need to know.

RP Sample:
Ghoulish green eyes snapped open in the middle of the night. Immediately Melchom lifted his head, every sense on high alert as he assured himself that the female – her name was Iris – was still in the den he had made for the two of them. Yes, she was there. But something was wrong. The air stank of blood and other fluids, and as much as she tried to quiet herself, Melchom could hear the labored breathing and the occasional whimper of pain.

"What is it," he snapped at her, rising from his bed of soil and crossing the distance between them. "What have you done?"

She whimpered again, and her words came out in a rush. The pups had come. It was too early. Something had happened, of course she didn't know what happened, but something, something... lies, all of it. He knew. He. Knew. Rage caused Melchom to shake as he moved down to her rump, finding his four stillborn children untended on the ground. But he wasn't an idiot, he had seen how sickly she had been the past few days. Her blood itself reeked of something, something poisonous. She had done this, on purpose. She had killed his offspring.

And for that, she would now die.

Melchom turned back to Iris, his eyes bright with malice and a grin that belonged only in nightmares began to spread across his face as he stalked closer. She started babbling again, about how it wasn't her fault, about how miscarriages happened sometimes... But those were the last words she spoke. Melchom closed his jaws around her throat, biting down until the life had been torn right out of her. When she was as dead as the pups she had murdered, he licked his lips clean and walked from the den. With the deed done, the night returned again to its peaceful stillness.