
[Open]Children raising children

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2017, 08:42 AM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 12:59 PM by Lucifer I.)
The story

Like all things this group has a story. It's not grand nor is it glamorous. In fact the beginning of this group started in a rather unconventional way. It all started with three boys, three brothers, not by blood but by bond. One a male they called Dag, a boy filled with hatred for the abuse he suffered from his father. Another a young male called Farse , a hairless male, who was outcast for his oddities. The last a male called Tora, a cunning boy, abandoned and left for dead because he was disabled, though he made up for it with smarts. The three forged a close bond after they met up, they relied on one another, teaching each other how to survive. They found others like them, rescued them and brought their numbers up. Soon the group had adopted the name of the ghost pack, coined up by natives everywhere they went for their abilities to seemingly disappear into thin air in a moments notice. It took them years to build up a reputation, one not many packs might be proud of. Their name was both respected and feared, though only if you were doing something wrong to a child would you fear them.

They taught the children they recruited how to fight, how to use their size to their advantage. They also taught them how to hunting large numbers to take down the mightiest of prey. They taught them to respect the lives around them, told them how horrible the adults that existed outside the pack were. How to vanish around those very adults.

Through their teachings the pack flourished and many orphans joined their ranks. Some runaways did as well. All young were taken in though to join their ranks they must be younger than two years as no adults were trusted. Their numbers swelled and the brothers couldn't of been happier. The boys were the only three authority figures the children growing in their ranks knew. The children even seemed to worship them as gods of mercy, though none of the brothers had endorsed this. Canines of all types were taken in, as we're felines, if they were orphaned they were welcomed.

It was years before they retired frome their positions and one was chosen to take their place, a young male called Falcon. He was an orphan like the three, aware of the ways adults could hurt a child, as he had been subject to this. The brothers left the pack in good faith, though one by one they came to bury each other until only Dag was left. By now he was an aging warrior, an elder. He returned to the group though adopted a new name so none would want him to take back the pack at 7 years old. They called him the old one now, a fully blind male that was a sort of watcher of the group. He had more trust in outsiders than the pack and when they would vanish from outsiders coming to close, he would remain. His story to those the group feared brought clarity to them, it was passed through the lands.

The young Falcon was a just and kind leader though to outsiders he was anything but. He didn't care at all for adults though he was slowly becoming one. He kept the group on the move hoping to find a place to settle them. And he did, though after a small season he decided that he wanted to leave the pack in the hands of another capable of keeping them safe. He stepped down though as he did their was a stir, until he silenced them and explained further. He wanted to take a select group, those that were willing to put forth the effort to colonize another land. He took with him many volunteers and they began their journey. Before they went however the elder Dag passed on, recieving a grand burial. Falcon left with his group the next day.

Their journey was long and filled with its own hardships. New members joined them in this journey, though some were sent to where the origin group was. That is how the group came to find ardent.

The group

Falcon- played by Asena
Jumanji- played by bird
Constantine- played by Rasta


The names: Whatever you want to use, these characters come from everywhere though most of the character's use a nickname and all usually drop their last name or change it

Appearances:  you may use any appearance you wish, these characters all have very little in common and there are few that are truly related

Ages: anywhere from 0 (1season) to 3 years old

Alignments: can be any variant of alignment

Personalities: they should be distrustful of adults that live outside of the pack. They should also be loyal to the group and treat them like family. They would look down on rape, abuse, cannibalism, and having litter's without caring for them or abandoning said litters. The older character's(more so the males than females) would be used as hunters and fighters, the females would usually be entrusted the care of young.

relations:  any prediscussed relationships, please ensure the other roleplayer is okay with this. There can be biological siblings but all characters will refer to the others as brothers and sisters.

History: your character's personal history and how they became an orphan or runaway

<b>OC NAME:</b>
