
Remix to Ignition



4 Years
02-18-2017, 09:01 PM

It was a spin, just a slight one, that made her catch glimpse of fire that did not belong to the leaves, and within moments, that fire too was moving to face her. Her eyes widened as she came face-to-face with another wolf, yet another child of fire. Her jaw dropped; she was entirely caught off guard and wasn't expecting this in the least... and apparently, neither was he. Her gaze darted all across his body; his fur was remarkably different from either hers, or Phoenix's. It was the dark embers of the fire, the base. It lightened to the color of leaping flames on his neck, but the majority of his fur reminded her of the deep, glowing red magma of her home. They did share one thing in common: light speckles were spread across his pelt, almost like sparks. While she didn't share the speckles, she sometimes had.... literal sparks, just not actually hot.

Either way, it certainly... put a whole new meaning into a blessed day from the gods. It also worried her, to a degree, as much as it excited her. What was going on in the world that Uldormun had to birth three children over the years? Three of them - her, Phoenix, who was truly a child - and also this wolf, who may be around her age, maybe older. It was simply from that that she knew that this had been planned for a long time, and that their meeting was more than fate.

His stutter - so brief - did make her recover momentarily, amusement flickering through her eyes as he then apologized and bowed. That was... unexpected. Occasionally, there were wolves of the tribe that believed it was respectful to bow and would do so, but that had been the tribe. Her response was automatic: her head bowed in acknowledgement of both the apology and the bow, and acceptance of it as well, but no words were spoken; none were needed. Instead, she listened as he introduced himself, his name as foreign as himself.

"I am Ardora, Seraphina of the Il'daran tribe," she answered, her tone soft, but strong. It had... been a while since she had introduced herself as such. In fact, the last time had been... had been to the foreigners who destroyed her tribe. It felt important to add it now, though, standing in front of a third child of Uldormun, even while she wondered what her fiery god was up to in his domain.

Her lips twitched in a slight smile at the formal words, respect for the man already growing inside of her. Of course, it'd be difficult to displace that when she knew that he was placed here by her god. "You are forgiven, Ankaios Aeris. I truly understand, for it's not every day that the gods bless a wolf in such a manner." She wondered about his wording, though - 'it's not often' were there more of them, with flames in their fur? Or were there others blessed by other gods? She'd heard of it happening, with various colors - non-fire - in the fur of wolves, but they were heard about even less than Uldormun's children. She, for once, was at a loss of what to say as she watched the wolf in front of her; she didn't exactly... run into one like Ankaios every day.

"Talk" "You" Think