
New to the bush


06-24-2013, 06:13 PM
"It's a bit late for hiding" a feminine voice called out to Ramelia from outside her bush. The brown wolf closed her eyes and pulled her dark ears back in embarrassment. Slowly she poked her head out from the bush to look at the bi-colored female who caught her near a pack border. From the female's stance, she was obviously a high rank among the pack that was located not to far off from where they were. The earthy brown wolf lowered her tail slightly to show respect to the high ranking wolf but kept her head at the level as before as she stepped out from the undergrowth, her wide lavender eyes watching the stranger carefully. "Yeah, I suppose it is a little to late. I apologize for coming so close to a pack's land. I mean no harm." she told the two toned wolf. " could you follow me closer to the border ma'am, that way I don't have to force you." came the reply causing the brown fea to stiffen momentary, the long man-like fur along the back of her neck raising, but then flattening as she saw the female stubby tail begin to wag. " I don't think I have much of a choice." laughed Ramelia as she moved closer to the female on long legs. Coming shoulder to shoulder with the female, the fea turned her head to look at wolf beside her and said "I'm Ramelia by the way." she smiled, her sassy lavender eyes dancing in excitement. Usually stand offish towards strangers, something about this wolf made her feel comfortable.

(sorry if my post are not that great, still trying to get back into the swing of things =)