
The Abraxas Brood



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2017, 03:12 AM

Name: Adramalech (Adra)
Gender: Male
Design: As pictured only with silver eyes instead of black <3

Personality: Fiercely protective over his twin, Adra will not let anyone who isn't family close to her. He prefers her company to any other wolf's and will often glue himself to her side. When he is around those who are familiar to him, he is short tempered and snippy, though it is mostly from a place of love. He has an odd way of showing his affections toward any member of his family that isn't Ana. While there is a bit of hellish charm to the boy, he prefers to snarl rather than smile. While not a behemoth like most of their family, Adra is a rather intimidating creature, and most of the time, just his presence is enough to make tensions rise within their ranks. He is hot tempered and prone to rage flares, having been known to start fights for nothing just to get the anger to fade. Adra does not mind pain, in fact, he loves making others hurt and cry. Believing himself to be the physical manifestation of the sun god, Adra comes fully stocked with an ego that very little can bring down. He tends to stick close to Ana's side, forever possessive and obsessed with his sister. They were born together and they will die together in his mind.

Plans: Keep with his sister and protect the family lines. He will probably just run around and do his own thing for a while. Maybe one day rule the world lol

RP Sample: Ana was going to be pissed when he got back, but it would be worth her ire to see her feast on the food he would bring her. It wouldn't be the first time he had been on the receiving end of her wrath, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. He liked poking her anger just as much as he did anyone else's and while he was gone she had the opportunity to miss his presence and to pine for his closeness. His was an impressive aura, and surely Ana would be going crazy in his absence, no doubt the world was colder without him in it. He padded along on broad, ink dipped paws, tracing the path of a seal in the snow as he moved.

Once he happened upon the seal pup, Adra wastes no time, and pounces on the small creature. He breaks its spine and brings it back alive to Ana, wondering if maybe it would make up for his time away. He didn't truly enjoy having to share his den with the tiny terror that was Ana, not when she was angry at him and wouldn't talk to him unless it was to remind him of what he did wrong. When he returned to her, she was less than pleased, and he put the seal down. His ears went out to the sides and he spoke with a deep rumbling baritone that was not unlike a volcanic eruption. "Come on Ana. I even brought you food. You can't stay angry with this handsome face." He made his eyes large and cub-like, lowering his head and "puppy dog face" was achieved. "I told you, I don't like you having fun without me. I can see you went and got your paws dirty while I was stuck here bored out of my mind, you ass." And just like that her teeth were in his neck and he let out a yelp, resisting the urge to bite her right back. For such a small woman she could bite damn hard! She released him then grabbed the seal and walked back to their resting spot. Adra sat and watched her, shaking his head as he looked to the sky.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.