
The Abraxas Brood

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-19-2017, 05:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 02:20 PM by Lucifer I. Edit Reason: Finished <3 )
Name: Abyzou "Aby" Abraxas

0 years(born in either winter or fall), maybe 33-36" with a medium-heavy build

I'm headed straight for the castle

They've got the kingdom locked up

To start with this child is all about impressions and whether you make them on her. Make a good one and she might not be as temperamental with you, make a bad one and you've loosed a fireball of anger. Her words cut deep and their very edges sharp. If she isn't giving you a sarcastic tone or quick comeback it means something is not quite right. She has been known to throw out a foul word now and again, even with her own family. She has never feared the wrath of the gods she surrounds herself with, as her own wrath can be just as harsh. While she may be young it doesn't necessarily mean her bite is any less worse than her bark, in fact it can be just as bad. She can get just as mouthy as her mother when she disciplines others.

She is the youngest of her family that she is aware of and takes a full liking to this fact. All eyes should be on her as soon as she enters a scene and she thinks they know it. None are more special than her in her family, as she isn't even one of them yet she blends in so easily. This fact alone makes her prideful of herself and should make her adoptive mother extremely proud of her in her opinion. She gets the same stories as her cousins and while at first they seemed outlandish, now they make perfect sense to her. She believes herself a goddess just as much as they do, though sometimes she needs reminding by her mother that she is in fact a mortal privileged enough to carry the name of the deities. Though these things will be overwritten by the fact that the rest of her family tells her she is a goddess.

She is hard headed and stubborn at times, rather doing things her own way than to follow orders blindly. She takes this note from her mother's book and would rather do things in her own time. Though there are exceptions to this, such as when her mother expects things of her, or even when she is pulling a prank or two, in which she certainly loves to do. She will do just about anything to get under everyone's skin. If she can make you squirm and annoyed then she's done her job.

She is a secret to herself and her mother, only giving away her most guarded of secrets to her. She is also a very jealous type, especially when it comes to attention. If she isn't getting it she will surely let you know one way or another where your wronging her. Should her mother ever find herself in possession of more children a jealous hatred would rise, a hatred that would make her want to oust her competition. She would think long and hard, becoming a silent entity. Her solution would well depend upon the time and place. The thought of her own children, while she knows it would be expected of her, enrages her. She doesn't want any, especially not from some male that is less than godly, she would rather castrate him and watch him bleed out. She will not be that obedient little toy for her family, she will be defiant but in her eyes better than all but her mother.

And there's an old man sitting on the

throne that's saying I should probably

keep my pretty mouth shut

Plans: A well kept secret by her and her adoptive mother(Ana), as well as her mother's twin. She will likely be a young trickster for a while and eventually start morphing into a darker minded child(possibly snuffing out any other children her mother has). She will likely stick close to the family and try to ensure they don't find out she is not one of them. she will probably when she is of breeding age be completely against it and likely will try to castrate any that try with her.
RP Sample: (going off bird and Shrapnel's<3)

Her momma was gonna be pissed when uncle came back, and frankly she couldn't wait to watch him get his ass kicked. Anytime momma laid down the law made her giddy with excitement. The girl was rather dark minded as it stood, her momma's tendencies just sort of feed it though.

She lay on her back somewhere near her momma, silent and bored as hell. Without Uncle Adra there she had no one in particular to annoy. It did her no good to annoy her momma, besides why would she want to? Boredom was a hard thing for the child to deal with, she had an ever-growing need to be amused by something and nothing to amuse herself with. A long drawn out sigh escaped her maw, only moments before her uncle came in with a prize, a prize she wanted. She was quick to roll to her stomach, lips twitching and a growl escaping her. Even momma was mad at him which only fed her want to be mad at him and please her momma. She was the only one Aby ever wanted to please, the others were just fun to defy and annoy. She knew her place well enough though, although she was still trying to find where the final button was on everyone.

Her form lifted as her momma bit at her uncle. She had size on her side, not a huge advantage but it was enough. She burst forward right as her momma released her uncle, sinking her teeth into the seal, though as she did her mother was lifting it. Her hind end slid out from under her as her momma lifted the seal, her mouth opening once more in surprise. As her momma took the seal away she gave a angry pout. There was just no way momma was sharing that now. She was quick to send a glare at her uncle's retreating backside before getting up and launching at his unprotected tail. How dare he forget her! She wouldn't release her bite either, forcing him to either notice or pay attention to her.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.