
See you later



5 Years
02-19-2017, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 03:00 PM by Avani.)
It was so beautiful here. Avani had been there for several days now, and she almost didn’t want to leave for one, the ground was dry here… but other than that, the willows were simply soothing to her soul. Since coming here, she hadn’t woken up with nightmares. The soft trickle of water lulled her to sleep, and she relished in the silence and tranquility of the land. Not that it was ever truly silent; the soft sounds of the critters around her constantly filled her ears… but it was silent from others, and the solitude was quite nice right now.

She knew she’d move on soon, though. She couldn’t stay in one place too long anymore; she had to constantly be on the move, looking for new conversation, new wolves, new people to help and be around. This was a rather secluded area - especially since this was a little oasis in a sea of mud - and no wolves had stumbled upon it since she made it her temporary home.

She sighed quietly, circling around a few of the trees as she delved towards the outer rim of the willow bushes, pausing as the wind blew a scent directly toward her. It caused her to laugh - she was just complaining in her head how she’d not seen anyone around, and someone appears! There was something though, as she focused more on the scent, that was distinctly bothering her about the wolf. There was something… familiar. It hit her hard when she finally remembered; the wolf smelled very similar to that of her mother, Caelum.

Caelum, who’d she not seen in three years. Caelum, who had not been among the many bodies of Avani’s family and pack. The woman paused, her paw poised over a small stream. No - it couldn’t be. It had to be a mere coincidence, because already Avani was picking out the subtle differences. When Avani approached, she spotted the brown and black female, and she felt both relieved… and disappointed. It wasn’t her mother; her mother certainly wasn’t brown and black with white… she wasn’t brown at all. True, she could see that some of the brown was mud, but a lot of it looked to be quite natural on the fur.

“Hello?” she called out softly. “Could I help you with anything, miss?”

"Speech" "You"

art by amphispiza