
turn off all the lights

Dragomir I


06-24-2013, 06:16 PM

It was by small miracle that he came across the only woman who didn't seem to mind his sensual glances. Any other dame would have scolded his wandering eye by now, but she seemed to revel in it - if only slightly. Was she not admired where she came from? Was this why she had strayed? It wasn't as if he particularly cared to know the answer to either of those questions, but he couldn't help but wonder. The tingling warmth in his spine continued to grow and fester, pausing his thoughts of her momentarily. He wanted to know what this sensation was, and why it was occurring. Tail continued to whip through the water slower than he would have liked - but continuous nonetheless. Eyes of darkness went back to roving over her, focusing then on regions that were just out of his line of sight. She looked great, but he felt the sudden urge to know how she smelled, how she tasted. Tongue lashed hungrily over his lips as he felt the warmth surging up his spine and localizing between his shoulder blades. A bad storm was on the horizon - the metaphorical sort that referred to his mood and perhaps the appearance of his alter ego.

He stood instantly, bones creaking and cracking audibly. Her vision was cast downward momentarily until she spoke about taking her leave. It would be then that Rotterdam crashed the party. Swiftly he advanced another yard, closing some of the distance between them. Water dripped off of his haunches as his tail swept through the air and his sadistic voice filled the silence. "Oh no no no no, that simply won't do!" He slithered even closer, hoping to bring the distance between them to an intimate level. Ears twisted back as he chided again. "You must stay here with me, precious. You will be the very first of my new collection." He twisted his head away for a split second, muttering under his breath. "Where is that damn Maija when she could actually be useful?" He spat out her name with displeasure before turning his haunting gaze back to Tahlia. Oh how amusing her reaction would be.

"Speech" (Translation)