
New to the bush

Aria I


06-24-2013, 06:47 PM

She watched the woman move out of the undergrowth, stepping back to give her some room. The shewolf was large, taller than Aria. That didn't bother her though, not one bit. Yeah, larger wolves would have the upper hand but she would find a way to avoid their blows. She wasn't thinking this because she would force the woman to the border, it was just a good thing to have at the back of your mind when encounter strangers. Checking them out to have an idea as to what they can and can't do if a fight broke out.

When the woman looked to her Aria grinned, noticing her beautiful lavender eyes. Yeah, I suppose it is a little to late. I apologize for coming so close to a pack's land. I mean no harm. She was going to compliment her eyes then tell her it was alright, as long as she didn't hunt or harm anyone on this side of the border, but then the woman seemed to bristle at the mention of her not wanting to force her to the border.

She grew calm though, at least it seemed liked it, moving to stand shoulder to shoulder with Aria and giving her name. The name's Aria. I didn't meant to put you on edge with the forcing thing, it's just that you are on Ludicael territory. She brought up, motioning the woman to follow her. Paws began to move, carrying the shewolf forward, the grin not seeming to falter one moment. You have beautiful eyes, I've never seen that shade before. She finally complimented her, stopping at the border.

Were you hunting or looking to join? She asked curiously, head tilting to the side slightly. She wanted to know if the woman had accidentally crossed the border while hunting, or if she did to see the terrain before trying to join.
