
I could make you want me



10 Years
02-19-2017, 05:11 PM

Whisking him off on an adventure so suddenly reminded Cae of days gone by. They'd had so many good times, and she'd hoped they could start to make more of those memories again, even if it took some time. There was no one she'd rather spend her life with. It was just so difficult to overcome all that happened. Luckily, the feeling of exploring with him right behind would gradually wash her resurfacing worries away.

She swatted in his direction with a paw, glaring playfully at him, "Okay, I won't tell you that! Good thing too, because I'm not that silly," she declared with a huff. Truth be told, she'd been smelling a young Mountain Lion in the area off and on, but she hadn't expected it to make an appearance anyways. She'd left plenty of evidence of her presence in the area, hoping to discourage other animals from hanging around. Of course she'd been gone for a while and it seemed the hares had not been put off. Hopping towards him in a play bow she'd nip at his chest and shoot back, You'd have slain one, maybe. And besides, I thought you could handle a bit of a challenge, hm? Or maybe not..."

She'd pranced her way to the other room, glad they could still enjoy one another. She didn't expect him to always see what she saw as Caelum did have a way of being amazed by even the simplest beauties. It had taken a while to understand way back when that sometimes she held appreciation for things others didn't always understand, and that was okay. Her smile widened when he agreed with her though, an expression that slowly melted into one of nonchalance at his question. Sitting next to a small puddle in the middle of the space she lapped at it before answering, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, "I may have been... For a while. Things have been a bit," she paused as she searched for the words, brow furrowing, "I dunno. I've uhm, started having some bad dreams again. So I stayed here for a while. It felt nice to have a den again. But then I left for a while to go try and explore some more. I was just coming back when we met up." The words 'bad dreams' hardly covered it. Every so often she had horrible nightmares since the attack. They'd been getting better over time, but reconnecting with him seemed to stir up a lot in her; sometimes she wondered if she'd ever start to fully heal. Distractions were nice, like today, yet it didn't make the root of the problem go away. Nothing would make it go away. And she had to learn to accept it.