
Nothin' But A Thang



2 Years
02-19-2017, 07:23 PM

The woman's imld personality was starting to put Kaeci at ease. He smiled a bit more often, more freely as well. She called herself Lydia, and he nodded in greeting, swearing to himself that he wouldn't forget this one. I won't, I won't, I won't, he said over and over in his mind. Lydia's excitement about gathering herbs brought Kaeci back into the moment, that they had been considering such an activity at all. The name she used, dandelions seemed familiar. His memory was loose sand, slipping through his grasp. He saw bits of yellow, he felt the edges of some sunny summer day in his pup hood, but there was nothing more. "I, erm... I'm afraid I don't know much. Could you show me?" He was embarrassed to ask, but her truly did want to help the woman. It was nice to think he was putting his day to use, instead of just aimlessly wandering.

She agreed that the place was marvelous, which again made Kaecious smile. It was enchanting, and he had no idea that a place like this could exist. He hoped, perhaps somewhat in vain, that he would not forget it. Kaeci would love to return some day, if he could. He took a deep breath and a long look around. He pulled a deep breath into his lungs, embracing all the brisk spring air had to offer him. It was a wonderful evening, and he hoped it would stay with him. "I'm ready if you are," he said to Lydia with a firm nod. He was not quite confident enough to lead but he would happily trail after her. If he kept the woman in sight he would have no trouble keeping track of things.

"Talk" "You" Think