
New to the bush


06-24-2013, 07:30 PM
The she wolf felt bad at the reaction she had given before as the female continued to talk. She lowered her dark ears and wagged her dark tipped tail more to show the other wolf that she had truly relaxed. No, no, not your fault, just some wolves are not as nice as you seem to be and I've run into a few a long the way. I am sorry for my reaction." the fea said her voice soft and easy going. Then Aria began to move in the direction of the pack's scent, motioning for her to follow. Pausing for a second as her purple orbs traveled around the landscape again before she bounded, almost puppy-like, after the she wolf. She slowed her pace as she caught up with the wolf and shook her wild disheveled fur, her mane sticking out like a porcupine even more. She was slightly embarrassment from the compliment of her eye color but replied "Thank you Aria" she paused, before continuing. "You have a beautiful name." and truly meant it. It was a lovely sounding name and Ramelia thought it fit the she wolf perfectly as her eyes met Aria's green ones. Though they quickly darted away from them and looked back her surroundings. Eye contact with a dominate wolf made her nervous, it was one of her quirks, the earthy wolf mused as her long dark brown legs slowed to match the smaller fea's. She smiled as she noticed the smaller she wolf taking in her size and made calculations on the best attack. She knew all too well this was what the fea was doing because she herself did it, it was in her nature."I'm hopefully here to find a home, if the pack is in need for a neutral tracker. she said as her black nose twitched as the scents got stronger the closer they got. Her dark point ears quivered slightly in apprehension of meeting more wolves than she ever had in her life...