



4 Years
Extra large
02-21-2017, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2017, 10:39 PM by Karabela.)

Karabela had been half-asleep when Birna's desperate call rang out.  Her eyes snapped open and she was out of the den a moment later, traversing the rocky terrain to the source of the call, her heart pounding.  What now?  What on earth was going on now?  She slid to a halt in front of Birna who was blood-stained but as the older woman spoke it became clear that the blood was Dagmær's.  She'd been attacked and…. and poisoned? "Who did this?"  Birna hadn't seen the attacker and Karabela snarled in frustration.  Had she made some unseen enemy?  

Karabela tipped back her head and howled for her pack.  She needed her menders immediately to assist with Dagmær's recovery.  As for the rest of them…. they had blood to spill.  Karabela slipped quickly into Birna's den, gently licking the face of her niece. "It's ok Dag, you're home, you're going to be fine and when you wake, I'll have the head of whoever was foolish enough to-"  Dagmær froze as she picked through the scent that still clung to Dagmær's fur.  It was subtle but familiar, gods where had she smelt this scent before?  Her eyes drifted to Dag's open mouth as she spied the shredded remains of a magpie feather.

Raba's eyes widened in recognition as she thought back to the spotted wolf with the magpie companion.  They'd had a chance encounter, pleasant enough but there's been something about the woman that had seemed off.  She seemed almost nervous around Karabela as if she knew her.  Surely that wasn't it though…  

Shaking her head Karabela strode out of the den.  She had a bitch to catch.


ooc:  OK so here's the deal.  Been planning this awhile and am worried I may be running out of time to enact so I figure what the hell let's do it now.  So I know some of this is vague because it's been subtly built up since years ago but here is the gist.  There is an intense rivalry among the Thyres since the days of Dægmar and Aerndís (old lunar chars).  After a run-in with Karabela, Rœkia who goes by the con name Magpie is making a move against Ivory Ridge by poisoning Dag to honor the name of her adoptive mother Aerndís.

Here's where you guys come in. Note that this is just an event and not required.  Post here if you're interested in participating.  The event starts the 22nd and ends March 1.  This will be pretty short and sweet.

MENDERS:  Your task is to heal Dagmær.  She has been poisoned with a plant that may or may not be in the guidebook.  Starting the 22nd Ardent time, ONCE a day, you may pm a guess and a question to Karabela's account.  The question should regard Dagmær's symptoms, not the plant itself.  For example:

Was she poisoned with Dandelions?
Is Dagmær nauseous?

I will reply in the evenings with yes or no to each question.  Note that I work during the day and am in bed by 10 most nights so that's when you can expect a response though I will try to check in the mornings as well.

Whoever guesses correctly first or the closest will have cured Dagmær and will win an ink drawing of from me of a character of their choice.  It will be similar to this  Note that this will be the image of the drawing.  I don't have the means really to mail these things  xD.

EVERYONE ELSE:   You're part of the hunting party that's searching for Rœkia!  She's hiding out somewhere in Boreas and your job is to find her.  Much like the Menders you will be allowed to pm Karabelas account ONCE a day with a guess and a question.  For example:

Is Roekia hiding out in the Orchard?
Is Rœkia hiding somewhere near a lake?

Note that if you're trying to get to tricksy with your questions I reserve the right to have you ask another one.  No super long crazy things with commas please, keep it concise!  ;D

Same prize, an ink drawing of your character.

Note that you need to post in this thread first before you can start pm'ing me otherwise I'll ignore your pm's.   Ok, I think that is it.  Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about this or if something isn't making sense.  I know I can get rambly when I stay up late typing  xD.

-throws confetti-  


You may participate in both contents but you can still only pm Raba's account ONCE per day even if you have multiple characters that could participate. So say you have two Menders. You can still only pm once a day. But if you have one Mender and one Defender you can pm once for the healing and once for the hideout finding. Hopefully my inbox can handle this lol xD
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king