
Raise Hell & Turn It Up



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-21-2017, 11:58 PM

Was he wrong to think this way about his brother? Probably not. Lykos hadn't given him a reason to make him think otherwise. Dragon wasn't mad that his brother hadn't initially followed. It was the simple lack of respect and disobedience that had him irked. Well...irked was an understatement anyway. His brother was in no position to be doing what he was doing, nor did he have valid reasons to do what he did when the pack was still under their mother's leadership asides from Lykos' obvious paranoia. Come to think of it, Vereux had shown no signs of being the traitor his brother believed him to be, and the late male had even paid for his mistake before he died. He listened to Kharnage, his pacing continued as he mulled over what was said. Could he really do that? The thought hadn't crossed his mind before...not till now, at least.

Out of the shadows Kimahri arrived. A low growl penetrating the air. "I certainly wouldn't mind a bit of...entertainment." Dragon stopped as he looked at his companion, then at Kharnage. "Kimahri, this is my brother Kharnage. Kharn, this is my new friend, Kimahri." The jaguar gazed steadily at the black and white wolf, "Pleasure." The brown male thought for a moment longer, wondering what the right move would be. He was indecisive, but he had to take action soon and end this damn headache. "I know he's our brother...but he sure as hell hasn't been acting like one..." He sighed, hreen gaze finding the ground. The more he thought about all of it, everything and the way things had been going, it made his fur prickle. "I guess there's only one option then."

He looked at Kimahri, and then at Kharnage. "Knowing you, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss this for the world. Wanna go with me to find him?" He probably knew the answer to that one already. "Mom won't be happy about it, but she doesn't have to know. Nobody else does either." He stood there, waiting for his brother's answer.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.