
New to the bush

Aria I


06-24-2013, 07:54 PM

The young woman apologized for her behavior, was even wagging her tail. It was okay though, Aria understood, and probably would have reacted the same way had she been in the others paws. She was happy though that the woman understood and didn't have any hard feelings about it, it would have been a shame to become enemies just moments after meeting. Aria wasn't one for enemies, she liked to get along with as many people as possible, would cause less problems.

Ramelia complimented her name too, causing the shewolf to give a dip of her head. Why Thank you, most people don't compliment it. She said with a light laugh, free, smooth, genuine. Yours is beautiful too, sounds kind of exotic. Is it alright if I call you Ram? Or maybe Elia? She asked curiously, green eyes bright as she sat back on her haunches. She was going to like this girl, she was friendly, had manners. She hoped she would take a liking to the pack's ways, then they could become friends.

I'm hopefully here to find a home, if the pack is in need for a neutral tracker. She answered, breaking eye contact. Aria turned her head away, the smile still there, green orbs looking over the terrain around them. A nice forest, a chill in the air, a bit of snow. It was a great place to be, both for the landscape and the wolves occupying it.

I will be straight up with you miss Ramelia. We are a neutral but friendly pack, we treat each other with respect and like family. As long as you don't bring danger to Ludicael, you will fit right in. She informed her, taking in a deep breath while closing her eyes. The cool air felt nice in the lungs, giving a wonderful sting. A tracker spot is open, we are always looking for hunters and warriors. If a tracker is what you would like then you my have it. But it would be good to go over our laws, don't you think? She asked i a friendly tone, her stump of a tail wiggling behind her.
