
Nashor's Tooth {Training}



7 Years

02-22-2017, 03:05 PM

It would seem like his second howl had kicked some wolves into action. Lark wandered in, but it was who he walked in with that had his attention. With narrowed yellow eyes he stared at the two as they walked side by side, clearly smelling of each other. Lillie's heat scent was twined around them, and he was looking at them now more as Lark's father over their alpha. His gaze followed him as he made his way towards Finch, flicking off of him only when Lillie approached him. He said nothing as he looked between the two angsty wolves. He kept his mouth closed, knowing that his irritation might wind up making him say something he would regret. Lyre came next, followed by Asha. He was about to start it when Merlin bounded in covered in mud. He stood up and reeled backwards, but it was too late. He splashed against his chest, splattering mud around his pale coat. A kiss followed, and his anger melted away as he let out a booming laugh. Leave it to Merlin to be completely clueless and help pick up everyone's mood. Shaking his head back and forth, he cleared his throat and addressed the gathering.

"Let's get this under way. We have all different levels of fighters here, and I will be pairing you off to work with each other. It will be up to you if you want to spar or just go over the basics. Merlin and Asha, you will work together. Lark and Lyre, you will be paired. I know it's not your rank, but since you guys are here you will be put to work. Kakashi and Sparrow, Liviana and Lillie, and Finch and Pyrrus." He nodded his head toward each of them, knowing that some were more equal in skill over the other. "Each group will elect a captain to be in charge of the lesson, while Storm and I come through to check you out. I will be watching how things are going, and I might call for a switch up. If I do, the captains must change and take over the lesson right where I stopped it. Storm will be there to make sure that any injuries are looked after." He turned to look at the blind woman, wondering if she would be okay with it. Turning back to the pack, he let out a bark to signal that they should start.

ooc;// Sorry about the wait guys! Each pairing please start your own thread. Bass might post in your thread at any time for you to switch it up. If you want to spar but don't want it judged, Bass can look it over and I can do a quick calculation of the injuries and attacks, calling the winner. You have until March 3rd to fully complete the training thread.
