
Avalon - GargiexOcena pup for adoption

Knight Cloud

06-24-2013, 08:04 PM
Snow crunched and flew under Avalon's feet as she raced across the frozen ground. She skidded to a halt, checking behind her to see if her den mates were still chasing her, but they seemed to have disappeared. Brows furrowed, she returned to where she had started only to see the other cubs jumping around the other wolves. Irked, she pinned her ears back and stalked away. She wasn't the jealous type, just annoyed that they always seemed to leave her out of a lot. In a pack like Glaciem, close family bonds were what defined the life of this pack. But she felt that her own family preferred to do other things then be with her. Avalon liked to be around other wolves...but lately, she felt that feeling shift the other way. Nobody seemed to want to be with her for very long...but why? Did she do something to the other cubs? Did she play too rough? Did they simply just not like her? A whine arose in her chest as she shuffled away. As young as she was, she desperately wanted to talk to someone...

Her head perked up, perhaps her father would talk to her. Explain to her why she was feeling this way. She trotted off to find him, tail lifted high as her paws kicked up snow on her multi-colored pelt. She loved her coat, it reminded her of her Father. She looked up to her Father too, not only was he strong, but he was noble and wise. Someone she wanted to be like some day when she got older. She also prided herself in her size, already she was bigger then most of the other pups! She wanted to become something when she got older...perhaps a warrior that would protect the pack at all costs. Or maybe an adviser, or a navigator. She always loved to explore new things, and she was sure that she'd be able to explore and discover all the hidden paths of Alacritis in no time!
She looked back, her large paws left deep indents in the snow. Smiling to herself, she became sidetracked as she stopped to play with it. She bounced and romped in the snow, tossing it up like imaginary prey just to pounce on it!

She loved to chase things, she figured she'd be a great hunter when she was old enough! She watched a leaf drop down onto the ground a few feet away. Crouching, her rump in the air and her tail wagging with excitement, she pulled herself forward inch by inch. She would catch this leaf, it would be her imaginary rabbit. She donned a concentrated look as she crept up and with just a foot to spare, she hopped over in two bounds and landed it between her paws. Teeth scored imaginary flesh as her puppy barking ravaged the poor leaf. When she finished, she stopped and looked around. What had she been doing again...?
Oh yeah, looking for her Father. With leaf in tow, she continued on to find him.