
i'm the king of everything and my tongue is a weapon



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-22-2017, 09:35 PM
Whoa. This place was... super weird, if he was being honest. He'd been interested in exploring the western lands, finding them wildly strange to him. He'd been born further east, in the cool autumn and his world had been a chilly one filled with snow. The season had faded though, and though he'd learned of the world his father was from -- the far north, where it snowed year-round, with snow drifts so tall they could engulf a wolf whole -- he wasn't quite ready to explore those lands. Not yet, at least. The sands entranced his fickle mind for now, the sprawling hills, so desolate and stark that he often forgot he wasn't the only one in this world at all. It'd been days since he'd seen anyone at all, and he was beginning to think he ought to reunite with his dad again and move on to their next adventure.

One particular feature of the land had caught his interest immediately, though, arresting him from his thoughts. A sharp crack in the terrain, as though some great god had pulled the earth apart from below, like nothing he'd ever seen before. Unable to quench his curiosity by just examining it from a distance, he closed the distance between himself and the land formation quickly. He was nearly full-grown now, almost reaching his father's height, and as he leaped off the rock he'd been standing on he left large pawprints in the dirt beneath his oversized frame.

His nose twitched with visible interest as he scoped out the terrain. It was difficult to see into the hole, and he squinted as his pale silver eyes struggled to see down. It looked a bit dangerous, sure, but he'd never been one to shy away from a challenge. Not yet, at least. Feeling eager, he slowly started his descent into the underground cavern, taking each step cautiously. He wanted to explore, not to break a limb, and he was determined to do so.