
Here's To The Never Ending



9 Years
02-23-2017, 01:39 PM
ooc: Okay so I wanna post Valor first, and then I preferably want Eve to post Fable, but then anyone else with an Ancora can hop in.

Summer brought two things to the aging man - relief from the cold, but also another age. He wasn't entirely pleased with the fact that he'd hit his ninth year this summer anyways, but now that winter was long gone his joints didn't ache as much as they did when the cold was around to irritate them. It also brought on a series of regret that hit him wave after wave. He hadn't spent as much time with his children as he'd wanted to - Glory and Knight were missing and he hadn't seen Exodus around in a little while. Fable and Valor were the only ones left and yet Creed wasn't sure what to do to keep the rest of his family together. Kavdaya was practically non-existent in his and the kids lives and he was getting too tired to be able to go look for his three missing children.

There was still the pang of regret that he hadn't gone to see Avalon and her children either. It'd been a while since he'd reconnected with any of his family and he missed the idea of being whole once more. So in light of all the tragedy of late he'd proposed to his two remaining kids that they go see their cousins in Talis. It wouldn't get their siblings back, but it'd allow him to talk to Avalon to help look for them and Fable and Valor would get to meet the rest of their relatives. It was best to make the trip now before it got cold once again and he'd be too tired to make it.

The trip hadn't exactly been an easy one though, but Creed was a persistent wolf. It'd been so long since he'd been out of the pack territory that he'd almost forgotten what it felt like to travel. Despite his readiness to walk till he dropped, they stopped to rest more frequently than he liked and the journey had taken far longer than he had hoped it would. It helped that he already had been to Auster before, a few years back, and at least knew how to get there.

And then finally they had arrived. Valor had remained quiet for most of the trip, but he could see the boy perk up a bit as the neared Talis' borders. He couldn't help but be thankful that the pack wasn't too far south into Auster. His paws hurt and his legs felt stiff and a fresh meal seemed like the most enticing thing of all. They had made it though. They reached the borders and he paused before them to take a brief moment to look around. The air was humid and muggy and yet he could see the appeal to the place. It wasn't the cold north, like his old family used to be accustomed to, but it was pretty. Certainly it had nice hunting grounds.

Not wanting to put it off any longer, the elder raised his head and let out a call for Avalon and her family.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]