
Here's To The Never Ending

Valor I


8 Years

02-23-2017, 01:51 PM

Valor had been in a never ending bad mood for a while now. It was borderline angry with a lot of pouting mostly. He and Fable were a year now and somehow they'd managed to lose three of their siblings in the process. Glory, Knight, and Exodus were nowhere to be found and more than anything it irritated him. Valor found it easy to pin the blame on his mother, if he could even call her that. She'd been practically non-existent in their lives since they'd been old enough to leave the den. First she'd left on that trip and then she'd come back and had nothing to do with them again. He just didn't understand it.

As young as he was, he could see that her disappearance hurt their father more than anything. He'd turned into a recluse, staying in one spot, and never leaving the pack lands. The fact that he was now a year older probably didn't help. He couldn't fully be mad about the lack of ... well anything they'd done lately. Creed was only one wolf and there was only so much he could do now. Mostly he just felt sorry for their father.

He'd been more than surprised when he'd mentioned a trip to go see their other family. He'd heard about them before, but it never seemed as though they'd get to meet them, until now. He'd been silent for most of the trip. Mostly because it was only him and Fable. The three missing siblings was blatantly obvious and the silence only made it worse, but there was nothing he wanted to talk about. His mood didn't improve until they reached the borders and their dad stopped to howl for someone. Large ears pricked forward as he looked around - the place was pretty, and yet it was damp and warm mostly. Certainly not a place he wanted to live. An inaudible sigh left him as he plopped his rump on the ground to wait for whoever would come greet them.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]