
Here's To The Never Ending


02-23-2017, 02:09 PM

There had been several times on the trip that he had wanted to say something, but his mouth just opened and closed like a fish out of water. With his ears flat against his head, he kept a careful eye on their father. Even though he was trying to hide it, it wasn't hard to see that Creed was faltering. There were times when he had asked to rest so that their Da didn't feel like it was all on him. Besides, this was his first time out of pack lands. Poor Fable couldn't bring himself to care too much though, not with the glaring silence around them. It made their lack of family even more apparent. Unlike Valor, he blamed himself for the matter. He thought that he wasn't working hard enough, that maybe his siblings went off to find someone else who was better than him. Brows pulling together, he kept his thoughts to himself as he stumbled blindly though the new territories. On any other occasion he would have enjoyed the trip, but he just couldn't bring himself to feel anything but sadness and disappointment.

As they neared the borders, he couldn't help but pick up a smell that was slightly similar to theirs. Creed had told them about family here but his nose was telling him that there was a lot more than he could have guessed. His gray and white tail actually bounced slightly between his hocks, his ears fully alert at the top of his head. A small taste of excitement started to boil in his blood as he sat at his brothers side, looking over with wider eyes. "Can you smell that?" he whispered, his mouth tipping towards his green marked siblings ear. "How many do you think there are?" He wished that he could come up with a little game, humming softly as he looked around. When his tummy rumbled, he knew just what to do. A hint of a grin cracked his dry lips, a playful gleam in his gaze. "Closest guess to the real number wins, the loser has to catch some lunch." Fable was tired of not playing with anyone, and was trying hard to lighten the mood.


Art by kanvos