
Here's To The Never Ending



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-23-2017, 04:46 PM
Ooc//sorry for crap tag

Age was just a number. That's what she was trying to tell herself, anyway. But it was hard when the weather couldn't seem to make up its mind this season. Yesterday was cold and chilly. And today was humid and just...gross. The air felt thick, and she figured it was the shift in seasons, or maybe they would be getting a storm soon. Either way, she was inclined to staying inside most days. Except for today, however. She shifted on her bed, Avalon having fallen into a light sleep after her hunt. She was set to call a training today, and she decided she would do it as soon as she woke up. But it seemed that the world had other ideas. A howl pierced the air, startling her awake. Groggy and confused, she listened to the howl until it faded away, and for the life of her, she couldn't place who it was. As the last remnants of the voice faded off, she realized then who it was. "Creed!" She hadn't seen him for a while!

She excitedly rose from her bed and bounded down the halls and straight outside. She moved quickly, the excitement evident with the way her tail was wagging. As soon as he came into view, she gave a bark of greeting. Even more surprising then just his presence, was the presence of the two yearlings at Creed's side! She hadn't met his kids yet, and he hadn't met hers yet, but perhaps today they would all finally meet. "Creed! It's so good to see you!" She stopped when she got close enough to him, nuzzling his neck in affectionate greetings. Of course, she didn't miss the weary look nor the fact that he looked so much older then when she had last seen him...did she look like that too?

Stepping back, she looked back and forth between the two boys as she smiled softly at them. "I take it you two are his boys! I've got pups about your age as well." Well...they weren't pups anymore...but they were her babies, and she would always refer to them as such.
"Talk" "You" Think


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