
Chewing on Rabbit bones


06-24-2013, 08:36 PM

The cry from the borders made Eria's ears perk in alarm. She had been exploring the landscape of Glaciem, trying to memorize all the places she could go. Every nook and cranny would be in her mind, a map that she had made from memory to keep track of, just in case. That certain map was incomplete when she heard the howls of pain, but her senses began to heighten and her mini-mission was set aside. Tomorrow will be another day, she thought.
Her paws hit the snow - hard - and the rest of her body followed. If she had been in her playful mood, it would have been a perfect chance to roll forward and land on her back. However, as this was not the case, she proceeded to race across the winter wonderland. Heart pounding, breathing long and providing the oxygen for her muscles and brain, and body tense with working muscles -- all of it propelled her through the thick terrain of snow and ice. Eria's pace increased as the sound of snarls and howls carried to her ears. She didn't want to be too late and her body fought for it, causing her tolerance barrier to be pushed.
Eria's light ocean blue eyes flashed with a fire as she saw Gargoyle tear into the rogue she-wolf. Blood and bone, teeth and fur...the rush of it all made her adrenaline rise within her chest. She knew that her Chief could handle the kill with one paw tied behin his back, so her focus moved from him to the lone wolf in the snow. Swift paws carried her to the stranger cloaked in fresh blood and fresh, frightful tremors from the attack. Eria's eyes roved over the body, looking for the source of the bleeding and any other injuries sustained.
Her gaze met Eren's and she said in gentle tones, "Don't worry. My name is Eria..I am here to help." The scent of Glaciem's pack filled Eria's fur, small strips of the different members surrounding her like an invisible cloud. She broke her gaze with Eren before looking at the shoulder that had been bitten by the rogue she-wolf. Bright red blood stained the fae's dark fur, but it had dried fast from the cold temperatures. Eria rubbed her paws in snow, cleaning their pads before she attempted to stop the blood from leaving her shoulder. Light pressure was applied and she looked over Eren's face for any puncture wounds from the teeth that had grabbed it.
After checking the rest of her body, Eria reclined to her haunches and met her gaze again. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me. I am here..." She was no healer, but she did the best she could. Looking up, she saw Gargoyle had fixed his gaze on the two and she watched him, wondering what he would do next. Eren had to be taken back to their cave as soon as possible. Who knew what complicatons could arise.
