
New to the bush


06-24-2013, 08:37 PM
The earth toned she wolf smiled and sat down next to Aria at a respectable distance and thought over the nicknames she suggested. " I kind of like Ram, it sounds strong and a little hard headed, which I'm known to be sometimes according to my brother back home." she then laughed and remembered her days as a small cub before she left to see the world. Aria's voice and the chilly nip of the breeze brought her attention back to the two toned wolf as she informed her on the dealing of her soon to be home. Aria was straight forward with her, which Ramelia found it a quality she liked in the she wolf. She hated it when wolves tried to beat around the bush with her. She turned her head and observed the she wolf while her eyes were close and listened intently. " If it came too it, I am fast enough to be a hunter but I'll admit I'm not strong enough to bring large prey down, but I can find any prey or wolf and almost any condition. And I don't mean to come across as one of those arrogant fools and brag." she smiled shyly and lowered her body down the ground and stretched her front paws out before her. The breeze picked up again, its cool sting feeling wonderful on her body after her long trek here. "Yes, i think it would be a great idea to learn the laws of the land." she said as the brown wolf rested her head on her abnormally paws, her naturally sassy wide eyed expression full of curiosity and an eagerness to learn.