
vantage point



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-24-2017, 12:48 AM

He was no saint, not by a longshot. No one that ever came across the gargantuan would ever think to associate kindness, good or anything related, with him. There was the obvious fact that no one could deny; he was damn good looking. But that's as far as anything good about him went. He was a sinner through and through, but that's the only side of him that the outside world was allowed to see. He had a softer side of him, less blood-thirsty and ruthless that he allowed to come out when he was around his family, especially Lili. Of course his own family at times wasn't exempt from the hellion's true nature, but that was only under certain circumstances. Most of the time he was just a brother to his littermates.

Brother came his sister's soft breath, her lilting voice bringing a smile to his bloodied lips. The nip he'd given her elicited a giggle which in turn brought out a soft chuckle from his massive chest as he watched her push herself into his paws. He let out a soft growl as he raised one, letting it rest on top of her head, the pale crown disappearing beneath his appendage for a moment before he dropped it on the other side of her, dragging her into his embrace as he leaned down to nibble at the nape of her neck. The tip of his tail wagged in time with hers. It was nice to come back to her at the end of the day. She was a refreshing balm to him after he'd dabbled in his darker desires.

His father's dry words of appraisal brought his attention away from his younger sister, putting her question about his ventures that day on hold for the moment. To foreign ears they would've have sounded uncaring and harsh, but Archon knew better. The god wasn't one for tender gestures and kind words. Such remarks as the one he'd just gotten were by far the biggest means of affection he could receive from Amon. Just as he was about to respond to the man, an all to familiar voice cut him off; Astaroth his other younger sister. His turquoise eyes rolled in his skull at her remark. "And yet I can make the simple trek up a small knoll without loosing my breath." he shot back at her. He didn't miss the sound of her ragged breathing. She really needed to work on her stamina.

Turning his attention back to Lili and his father, having noticed the giant's interest in his sister's question, he supplied an answer. "Nothing terribly exciting. Just getting to know some of the locals while I was checking out the new place." A sneer twisted his bloodied lips as he licked at the dried blood that coated his bottom jaws. "I'm sure you have something more interesting to report little sister?" His siblings were slowly beginning to trickle in, but Archon knew that their father would be displeased that they were taking so long to show up.

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