
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
02-24-2017, 11:52 AM
She felt as though she had dipped her paws into the river of molten rock as she moved away from the monolithic woman and her baby boy. A rage burned in her heart, flowing out like Hell's River to slowly turn her veins and self control to ash. Once she was out of sight of the woman, Vianni turned to watch her and the bird walk away. They seemed to get along, and Corvus had obeyed her to the letter. He sat perched on the woman's shoulder, looking back in the direction Vi had walked as he moved away from her. Sorrow churned inside her breast and blended with her rage, though instead of cooling the fires burning in her hellish soul, it further spurred an anger that had her quaking with pent up energy. An outlet, she had to find something to kill or she would find a way to best and kill the demon king and his miserable whelp, Noctus.

Tearing herself away from watching the bird go, Vianni felt the sting of tears against her eyes. Snarling quietly to herself, she swiped her paws against her burning eyes and set her eyes in the direction of the ship. After her conversation with the larger woman, Vi was more than ready for confrontation. Naamah had primed her, Corvus had taken her heart with him, and Lucifer owed her a soul. Flicking her tail irritably, Vianni starts a predatory trot. With her head parallel to the ground, she was forced to track the hard way. The reminder that she had sent her eye in the sky away sent a shocking, white-hot flash of pain coursing through her body. She had depended on Corvus as much as he had depended on her, and she had let him down by allowing that stupid, beady eyed filth into their house. A never ending growl began deep in the woman's chest the closer she got to home, the blended scents of Lucifer and Noctus combined with blood on the air. Her flag raised to position itself hopefully in the air, perhaps Lucifer had been so enraged by her ghosting on him that he killed his alarm system, maybe it was Noctus' blood she scented on the air. A woman could hope, right?

Her father taught her better than to show up at the war-front empty handed, but the constant reminder that she didn't have her Corvus with her only fed her rage and she wanted the taste of male in her mouth so badly she almost charged her way home. Spitting out her anger, she gnashes her fangs and gives an aggressive  jump at the ship in the distance before she takes off to hunt something down. At this point she didn't care what it was. It took her longer than she thought it would, thanks to not having a fast track to the prey item. Finding a wolf in this land was no issue, finding a wolf who would be a good substitute for Lucifer's hide on the other hand, well...there was no substitute and Vianni was again elevated to a new level of irritation. She tracked a male through the frozen forest, not bothering to hide her intentions as she charged him. He fought back, giving her a small cut just beneath her left eye as she came in for his throat. It had been quick, she had come on him like a wave against the beach in a hurricane, and she snuffed out his light with a skill that rivaled a trained assassin's.

Dragging the male from the frozen forest to the ship was no issue, he was her size, but the wolf's weight had nothing on the magnitude of her anger. She made it back to her home with the warmth of a good work out stimulating her muscles to make them loose and responsive. She didn't go as close to the ship as her mate may have hoped, instead Vianni decided to use the tactician in her blood to draw Lucifer out to her. With her cheek bleeding, Vianni tilted her crown and howled out an angry, vengeful howl to summon the devil out of hiding. This was not the submissive female he enjoyed and purred over. Vianni was another world of angry, and she would carve the memory of Corvus in his mind forever, no matter the cost to herself.  Noctus would be smart to steer clear of her in this moment, for making her send Corvus away she was ready to kill the thing. Neither of them had seen her in such a mood, she was usually reserved and even sweet toward the giant male she called mate. Not today, she was Pain today, and they would be the ones weakened in her wrath. Even the scorned woman had nothing on Vianni, and Lucifer would definitely know why he chose her over any other.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.