
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2017, 01:25 PM
Her howl brought him to his paws, his eyes narrowing and pupils disappearing in the demon's gaze. His rage burned in the pits of his gut, churning like the hell fire they were. His lips peeled back and he revealed his bloodstained daggers to the darkness. A snarl echoed close behind. It's sound tore through the ship seemingly as loud as that of a demons. The worry he had felt for her only churning his anger.

His form danced along in the dark, perhaps giving her glimpses as he paced back and forth. His muscles were ready as the demonic man watched out on the tundra. His own scent had by now likely been spiked with testosterone and his burning rage. The bird wasn't with her he could tell as much so something must have happened. Perhaps Noctus finally caught the thing he had wanted to play with for so long. Such a thought that it wasn't by his order the bird was dead fed the rage inside him. The scent of Vianni's blood and that of another male fed it even more. She had allowed another to touch her was the only thought that fed his mind.

His voice rang out with a tone she would likely have never heard from the demon. One that spoke volumes of his anger and the reasoning behind it. Red met dusted rose for every ounce of second that he paced. His own hunt had swathed him but not to terribly. Hears pressed back and the gash above his eye that had started to calm rang anew causing him to snarl more. "You left Vi! You said you wouldn't! I fucking trusted you, and now you come back with a males corpse expecting me to come begging to you for the shit!" didn't he have to remind her who she belonged to? There was however if one plucked apart his tones enough a hint of the fact that he had worried about her. He wouldn't admit so though, it was weakness and he didn't admit to ever having any. Though he was certain she might eventually guess that he had started to feel something for her, though he wouldn't admit feelings over anything.

He stopped pacing after several moments and stood there ready and waiting in the darkness beside the door. The relief he felt to see her only slightly scathed was hidden for now. His anger was the first thing he wanted to feel. Though somewhere inside he knew he needed to calm down or she would never step foot inside the ship again. There was enough said by him to let her know every conflicting emotion inside him, though he knew only how to react to the anger as the others truly confused him. He had never worried over a woman, never wanted on to be solely his, nor to stay as close as he wanted Vianni to stay. He loosed a roaring sort of sound at these emotions. His paws set to pacing again. His eyes he knew did not hide well these thoughts nor the inner turmoil.

This was the true reason he wanted Noctus gone. He needed Vianni like no other, but as a man who only knew love to mean pain it made him unsure of how to process everything. Another angry roar of words was thrown at her, this the same as the last. His emotions laced his tone in ways he couldn't control. "The fuck were you Vi! You know I looked for your ass everywhere I could think of! You fucking vanished with no word to me! And what's worse you come back bleeding with some males scent all over you! And no fucking corvus! The fuck you let the bastard eat him?!" his anger drew him forward enough to appear and place a paw upon the severed head of the fox. Though his tail lashed angrily, his heart wasn't completely in it. She needed to see though just how much he needed her. He might be able to continue life without her, but already he knew it wouldn't be the same. He watched her, needing something but he didn't even know what. He didn't know how to obtain. The thoughts in his mind and feelings made his fur stand and hackles bristle.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.