
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
02-24-2017, 03:10 PM
The hellish snarl that echoed out of the ship did nothing to curb her anger at him for bringing Noctus to them, for allowing the little beast to repeatedly be far too rough with her bird-son. Now, she was without him. Looking down at the male between her paws, she sinks her fangs into the bridge of his muzzle as she waits for the king to come to her. It showed the potential for dominance that ran through Vianni's veins, the first prickling indication in the madness that lurked just below her usually reserved nature around Lucifer. She had managed to curb her want for dominance with him, but as his anger met her ears she wanted nothing more than to have him beneath her with fangs over his muzzle. Instead she settled for treating the corpse to such fantasy, her hardened quartz gaze lifting up the moment she caught motion on deck. Releasing the wolf, Vianni eyes her mate and listens to another angry string of words from him.

"I came back. I told you I wouldn't leave permanently and I have kept my word. It is you who have broken trust with me." Her words are uttered on a deep, dark whisper. An eerie calm settles over her, she watches him, waiting for him to strike, but he refrains. Instead he sets his paws to pacing as he gives her his outrage, she heard it though. Beneath the angry tones of his voice were notes of worry for her avian companion, for her. Despite his wrathful exterior was a worry that she didn't quite comprehend. Stopping he stared at her, then started again after roaring his conflict at her. She wanted to be angry with him, but his next words betrayed him, showing the worry he had. Had he truly looked for her? He...her Lucifer actually cared about her company enough to look for her. There was a mild jealousy when he spoke of the male at her paws, and while the inquiry about Corvus pricked her hackles to lifting, she found the majority of her anger with him washing away. With a sigh and a flag of her tail, Vianni rolls her eyes and growls.

Sitting in the snow, she watches her raging mate. With a huff, she looked up at him. A gust blew snow into her cut and she hissed softly at the sting of flakes hitting raw flesh. "Corvus is fine. I had to rehouse him because of Noctus. Come down...please...I am sorry. That's why I brought you this...I was angry and sloppy so his fang caught my eye, I figured you would like to see what usually happens to the males who dare touch me. So you could understand just how lucky you are." She wanted to be angry with him for what happened, but her anger was more for Noctus and the rough way he played. Learning how to disarm her husband was a decidedly more fun venture than clashing with him in battle, both left her weak and wanting more. Meeting his gaze even through this distance, there was a hint of the previous anger, but there was more loss and pain to be found now. She wanted comfort, not blood. Corvus would be fine, she knew, but how would she cope without him? Would Lucifer even know what to do with a mourning mate? Vianni doubted it, from the way he treated her, she could infer that hers was the only kind touch he may have known.

Perhaps she could use this to her advantage and soothe the beast, maybe then he would hold her instead of pinning her. To know she was the only wolf who could rile and calm him made her feel powerful, but it was like holding a grenade in your hand after tossing the pin. If she didn't do away with his anger fast enough, she would be in a world of hurt.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.