
Bleeding Hearts Shed No Tears



6 Years
02-24-2017, 04:23 PM

It felt like they'd walked for miles, but Armai had been eager to rid herself of the north for good. Nothing was left there that was good for her. She had the few remnants of friends, but mostly bad memories. It'd been where she was born, lived with a family who didn't care about her, and now it was where she'd lost the second pack she'd ever lived in. So now, with nothing better to do, the pair had set to traveling. They'd certainly put more than enough distance between them, but she didn't see the harm in exploring either. Nox had been by her side constantly and together they'd managed to go all the way to Auster.

The temperatures down here were wet, soggy, and mud easily splattered over the road-worn pair. Armai didn't mind, but she could tell Nox wasn't entirely pleased with the idea of being dirty due to the constant grumbling. Originally Nox had been excited about the idea of coming here, but she was less enthused now that it was raining, humid, and slightly cold. She couldn't see, but Nox had already remarked about how grey the sky was and how this had been a bad idea.

But they kept going either way. Armai was excited for the whole new set of herbs she could possibly find in the area and Nox's bad mood wasn't going to drag her down. It wasn't until she almost stepped over the pack border that her mood dampened slightly. She'd just managed to pick up on its scent, right before her paw crossed over the line, and she came to a halt. She sniffed the ground again and sure enough there was a pack scent. Her brows furrowed and she let her rump fall to the ground. She could smell all sorts of herbs here, ones that would possibly die off soon due to the cold rains. Her brows furrowed at the thought - she was so close and yet Armai knew better than to cross. It seemed like she'd have to go find herbs elsewhere.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.