
Not Too Hard, Please

Finch I


4 Years

02-25-2017, 12:46 PM

She knew it had been a mistake to come the moment that her fathers angry howl was tossed into the sky. Flinching where she stood at Storm's side, she watched the pale man with a wary gaze. She knew that he was getting tired, but he had been more and more on edge lately. Swallowing hard she thought about sneaking away, but then who wandered in next nearly took her breath away. Lark and Lillie came in together, both stinking of each other. Her baby blue eyes grew wide as her brother came back to sit at her side, quickly turning her head in his direction. She didn't miss the scent of the woman's heat, and opened her mouth to comment on it. But when she caught Bass and everyone's stares directed at the brown man, she fell silent. He had been kind when she had introduced Tib to him, so she would show him the same. Digging her nose behind his ear, she places a swift kiss there.

Turning towards Bass when he spoke, she groaned softly when she was paired up with someone. She hated fighting, but knew that there was no sense in arguing. Besides, the numbers seemed to be perfect right now. Once her partner was named, she glanced around at the see of faces. She hadn't met this woman before, and guessed that she was the bright red one with long fur on the top of her head. Fixing Lark with a sympathetic gaze, she gave him one more kiss on his ear before rising to her paws. "Come talk to me later if you want," she whispered to her litter mate, turning to nuzzle Storm's shoulder before she trotted over to her training partner.

When she reached the other woman, her blue gaze inspected her silently. She looked rather fierce, even more so when compared to her gentle demenor. Taking a deep breath, she dipped her head in greeting as Civetta landed between her shoulders. The small bird gave a chip of greeting before nuzzling down into her fur. "I'm Finch, and I elect you as captain." She said with a firm nod. There was no way she was taking charge, hopefully her father wouldn't come by to switch them.