
The Same old Song and Dance



06-24-2013, 09:22 PM

The laugh that rang from her lips reached Song's ears was welcomed, she was glad to be getting along so well. If everyone in the pack was as friendly as the ones she'd met already she was sure she'd found the right place to be. She'd be able to live in peace with her future family, with the protection of Cherokee and the pack she'd never have to worry. She let her focus find its way back to Aurora's words as she retold the story of the raven feathers. The ceremony intrigued her, for she had never heard of such a belief before.
Song had never been occupied by thoughts of the after life, it had always taken a back seat to her training as well as every day life. The legend that spilled from her lips en captured Song's imagination as she could only wonder what had started such a ceremony and could there be any truth to it if it was practiced so widely in the pack. She thought it incredibly unique and worthy of discussion, as Aurora did when she revealed the information. The tale had ensnared her imagination but that did not lower the amount of attention she kept on her surroundings.
This was a touchy subject for the larger she wolf it seemed, before she skook them from her eyes Song had seen the emotions in her eyes. The tears were barely noticeable but she had seen them. She grew ashamed that she had asked a question that would result i so uh emotion. She was glad to have gleamed the information though, it brought her closer to finding who Aurora was. How interesting! They'e just become a part of you. I don't know how I'd feel about that.She thought about the ritual being performed on herself. She had a hard time visualizing the situation. Could you feel the raven's soul enter?
