
Good day for death to strike


06-24-2013, 09:37 PM

?Ithurial sat infront of the den quietly. Only pups and one other white wolf were inside and she wanted to make her adopted daddy prout by keeping an eye on them. ?He golden eyes seemed to sparkle like the pup she was. She wasnt near as afraid of everyone as she used to be. The shaking timid wolf had turned out to be less reclusive now. It had been about a month since Sixx's random murder of her mother and her grieving had calmed down.?

She'd made friends with afew of the pups while she was here and came to see them as siblings. She stood, smelling the cold air from outside. Today seemed to be off to a great start. The sun was out and the snow blanketed the horrizon, the light reflecting back off it. She wanted to just run put their and play.

She set a paw down with a crunch. She wouldn't go very far just at the mouth of the cave. She began to dig up snow untill she had a pile then backed up back into the cave before leaping into the pile. This sent snow fluries everywhere as she rolled. White kicking up and for a second it snowed. Once it settled back on the ground she walked back inside, shaking the snow from her calico pelt.
