
I could make you want me

Zephyr I


10 Years
02-26-2017, 09:56 AM
Zephyr was changed now. He was a different man, and he'd spent years telling himself that he had moved past it all. But Caelum shattered that illusion so easily. In her face, he saw their children, in her eyes and in her smile -- it was hard to forget when he looked at her, even now. He tried to ignore the way he felt his heart skip as she called him darling, lips twisting into a feigned frown though he enjoyed it more than he wanted to admit, even to himself. "Maybe later," he quietly teased, before they slid into the other room of the den.

Zephyr hadn't expected the mood to change so quickly. If he'd known, he wouldn't have spoken up at all. He'd never been particularly good with emotions, not like some, but he'd had a soft spot for his family, Caelum included. It'd been a long time since he'd told anyone how he felt about anything, and seeing Caelum's posture crumble made that same frown appear, this time coming naturally. Her words trailed off, and something akin to worry furrowed his brow as he tilted his head in her direction, examining her.

He pressed against her for a moment, remembering how sweet her scent was. It grabbed hold of him like a vice, making it hard to pull away, making him want more despite how badly it hurt at the same time. Her voice jolted him out of his temporary stupor, and he pulled his head slowly away from her, eyeing her with his sea-green stare, suddenly brimming with confusion. "Okay," he breathed before he realized he'd said it at all. He could stay with her. What else did he have to do, anyway? Félicien hadn't been present for some time and he could find him if he had work for him to do. He felt his heart sink at her plea, at how vulnerable she suddenly seemed, knowing it took a lot for her now to admit she needed him. She'd gotten stronger over the years. Last time he'd seen her, she'd been the one to leave, to tell him she needed time. And now she was asking for him to stay.

"I'll stay." His voice was husky and soft, hardly audible at all. Exhaling gently, a breath he'd been holding without realizing it, he leaned to press his head against the back of her neck. "As long as you need me to."  It felt right, somehow, to stay with her. Caelum felt right... she'd always felt like home to him and he couldn't deny it even now, no matter what he thought he should or shouldn't do.