
The Abraxas Brood



4 Years
02-26-2017, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2017, 03:31 PM by Naudir.)
WELL  I gave it a good fight but....  xD   -applies-

Name: Pyralis Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design:[Image: U5sPnIX.png]

Piratical and insubordinate, Pyralis has little love of authority.  She's far more interested in herself and dealing with her wants and desires than anyone else.  Freedom is precious to her and her strong will and tempestuous nature make her difficult to gauge and control, much like the flames for which she's named. Very few can cool her hot-blooded tenacity but she has a keen respect for her family and considers Amon the head of said family.  Though she may butt heads with him occasionally in her love of playing devil's advocate she has an innate trust in him, especially in a crisis and will follow his orders to the letter.

A criminal of the highest order Pyralis is skilled in manipulation and misdirection, taking to cheating, lying and stealing to meet her own ends.  She loves the rush of battle, the twists and turns of a well-played game.  Through her fangs she displays her ferocity but its through her mind the nature of her cruelty and cunning come to light.  She enjoys preying on others, raiding their homes and shattering veils of peace and serenity, taking what she wants and then fading into the night like a whisper of smoke.

Pyralis is a courageous woman.  She is dauntless in the face of fear and uncertainty and when she has a job to do and the will to do it.  Pyralis backs down for no one.  A survivor and fighter she has seen dark days and walked straight through hell and instead of giving in and melting into nothing she pulls herself together and molds herself into something stronger.  

Proud and spirited Pyralis is also a vengeful woman.  She detests feelings of shame and hates being taken advantage of or being made a fool.  She believes in giving back seven-fold and gives in easily to vindication. It is in games of vengeance that her turbulent mood can be particularly apparent.  Some days she's is patience personified, careful and calculating and other times she explodes like the sea in a storm, crashing into her tormentors with the fury of a boiling sea.  

Passionate and intense Pyralis is spitfire that resists being reigned in.  The exploration of new lands, the uncertainty of what lies around the corner, the constant shift and ebb and flow give her a zest for life and the world around her.  Adaptable to ever changing circumstances she loathes stagnation and complacency and feels constantly driven to see what lies just up ahead, to chase an unending horizon.  Joy to her is truly in the seeking, not in the finding.

Plans: After spending a fortnight scouting the surrounding terrain and feeding her lust for adventure Pyralis is seeking to be reunited with her brother Amon and his brood.  She doesn't care to plan to far in the future, preferring to take each day as it comes and will likely follow his lead as they press farther into new lands.  While she can be aloof and standoffish and lament that she's no good with children she will likely seek to impart knowledge upon her nieces and nephews in various fields such as battle and exploration.  

In relation to the spreading of their lineage she is expecting to eventually find a mate but she's extremely particular and has no intention of leaving suitors alive.  Pyralis is currently struggling with her role in this manner.  She wants to do her part but she recoils at the idea of being tied down with children.  She keeps this secret very close to her and hides any misgivings with simply stating she has not found a worthy man yet.  Which is true. Having to actually carry the children inside her body she is beyond picky when it comes to potential mating partners.  Pups are in the cards but who can say exactly when or the nature of their arrival into this world or whether fate might have her fold on this matter.

RP Sample:

Sleeping beneath a full summer moon, their chests rising and falling in gentle rhythm with the hum of the insects that glowed and sang in the meadow the tiny pack seemed so peaceful and still.  Pyralis was just itching to shatter their dreams and bring them surfacing, gasping back into the real world, her world.  She slinked through the darkness like a wraith, a shadow, each move calculated and precise as her golden gaze fixed on a young pup curled up against the back of his mother.  Her tongue ran lightly, lazily across her fangs as her limbs tensed.  She picked the paces to the target, the escape route, and when she was certain of her plan she exhaled and became stillness.  The world continued to spin for a few moments as if she didn't exist, as if she were simply a phantom fragment of some passing nightmare.

Pyralis sprang, her great limbs launching her into the midst of the lazy, dozing pack. A terrified squeal ripped through the night as she seized the child in her jaws and sprang off into the fractured blackness.  The furious and anguished cries of the pack ripped through the still of the night.  The were after her, hunting her now, but she had planned this. With a sharp twist and a nearby tree she stunned the child to silence its cries.  She needed it for a particular purpose and she didn't need the creature screaming, not right now at least.

Doubling back she followed the wind, slipped through rivers and down into the labyrinth of the nearby thicket, the child swinging limply from her jaws.  The cries and howls of the distraught mother, the searching pack grew fainter and fainter.  By the time she slipped into the gorge nothing met her hears but silence and the occasional call of a great-horned owl.  Step one, complete… She grinned maliciously as she peered into a nearby cave and shifted the child, the bait, in her jaws.  Now for step two…