
[M]Fool's playground



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2017, 06:55 PM

Lili had spoken about this place and how it was full of many different types of herbs that could be used for a multitude of things. They were still in the exploratory stages of having arrived in this new land, but he knew once his father made up his mind, the Gods and Goddesses would be set loose upon the mortals to reign down hellfire. Amon told them they were descended from a god, and as much as he wanted that to be true, he knew better. He and his littermates bled just like the mortals, even if they were a little harder to hurt. So Archon thought he'd take preventative measures and learn about some herbs that would be useful to him in future confrontations. But if he was to learn anything, he'd need the real expert; Lilith.

Still there was no harm in familiarizing himself with the vegetation so that when he did come back with Lili, he would atleast be physically familiar with some of the things that she'd teach him. He would follow beside the stream, since it appeared that most of the plant life grew along side it, if not nearby. A familiar scent would tickle his nostrils, turquoise eyes coming across the pale figure of Abyzou who was laying casually in the stream, seemingly bored. Massive skull would lower closer to the ground, brows furrowing. What was she doing here? Had she and her parents followed Amon and the brood? That seemed the most likely explanation. Regardless of how she'd gotten here, Archon was the first one to have discovered her; Amon would be very pleased to know of this.

"Talk" "You" Think