
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
02-26-2017, 07:39 PM
Watching intently as he emerged, so full of rage, so angry, with such a conflicted expression on his face that Vianni could only wonder what thoughts rattled around in his mind. He moved in true predatory fashion toward her, his massive frame and rippling muscles making her stomach quiver excitedly as she watched his approach. The wrath of hell was in his eyes, and he charged her. At the last moment before impact, Vianni pivots to her right and ducks her head down, using her speed to avoid his jaws and the intended body slam. It wasn't hard to understand that he wanted her down, and she hesitated before laying herself  on the ground, keeping her left side up.

It wouldn't do to get more snow in the cut, the salt content of the crystals stung and she was in no mood to get angry at snow. She wanted peace with her mate, despite her enjoyment of whipping him into a frenzy. It was unlike her to be so soft with anyone, to be something other than a pretty monster. Inside, Vianni was still female. She wanted the beast to gentle himself for her and no one else, to feel elevated. She was a queen after all, but she also knew she would have to kiss the king's ass to be treated like one.  When his tongue came into contact roughly against her wound, she made a sound that told him just how raw her own emotions were. It seemed unlikely that he would care, or soften for her.

She let the pain wash over her like a cleansing flame, letting the ache of her grief burn away anything else until she could feel only the loss of her companion and the sting of her cut. Closing her eyelids, Vianni releases a broken sigh and a small whimper, where she had been tense and angry now she was only sad and broken hearted. What could her mate do now that hurt more than parting with Corvus? How could she get him to stop being angry for just long enough to give her some kind of comfort? She showed him submission for the most part, brought him food, got rid of the pet he disliked, and had even come back after rehousing said pet. It was in that moment that she decided what to do about his rough handling of her.

She opens her eyes to meet the burning garnet of his gaze, lifting herself to her paws, she ducked her head beneath his chin, aiming to press her chest against his shoulder. "Sit, please." If he couldn't understand her needs, she would show him what to do. He couldn't be rough with her forever, and surely there was enough sorrow in her voice to curb the need for violence and punishment. Maybe then she wouldn't snap at him the next time he completely dominated her.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.