
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
02-27-2017, 08:25 AM
She didn't react to his words, only moved to relax her aching frame against his, to absorb his strength and push on the way she had been doing. Despite the rigid way he sat, his obedience in this situation surprised her. She had planted herself between his paws, burying her muzzle into his pelt and tracing along one of many scars he held. His skin was littered with these small lines from the story of his life. She wanted to know them, and while he refused to speak on the subject, Vianni was able to deduce that the majority of them had come from parental abuse. The very idea had Vianni's blood boiling with rage, that some wolf could go so far against their own offspring...even to her it was unspeakable. She supposed she had been lucky then, that both of her parents had loved her and cherished her as an heir to their shared throne. They had doted on her and gave her anything she could have asked for. If not for the deep root of cannibalistic madness that coursed through the long line of queens, Vianni would be a well balanced, even sweet individual.

Perhaps, it was his undoing, to hold her this way. While she tried her best, Vianni found no comfort in his frozen embrace. Actually, he rather openly defied the would be tenderness of the moment with a snarl and rose to snap the skull of the male she had murdered. Watching him for a moment, Vi pushed up on her paws and went to touch him again, only to have him move away from her and go back into the ship. The lump that formed in her throat made her want to cry, but she was stronger than that. She was raised to be a queen, and queens didn't cry. Stomping her hind paw in the ice, she throws a silent tantrum at the sting of rejection, nearly letting the chains loose on the control of her madness. Something always held her back, even from their claiming fight, Vianni always pulled her punches. It could have been the same thing that held him back from killing her. They were strong, healthy individuals who happened to fit each other perfectly.

Maybe she romanticized Lucifer, but any stray could be taught to love properly. Taking a steadying breath, Vianni tags along in his wake, trotting dutifully behind him as he retreated from her. Yes, run devil, I've got you now. She had seen it, the conflict in his gaze. That was coupled with the scars on his hide, he had never had a wolf touch him the way she did, or so she guessed. It was a heady, powerful sensation that was almost enough to mask the pain she felt about Corvus, to know that she might be the only soft touch he had ever known. A strange sort of possessiveness took her over then, a need to protect her right to touch him like that, to ensure that no other female gave him what she gave him. He was hers, and hers alone. From this moment onward she would have an equal claim, one that came with branding a man's soul. She would burn her way into his heart the way good whiskey did on the way down.

While he moved to his place in their dark home, Vianni smiled and made her way to the kitchens, hunting down the brown bottles that held fermented liquid in them that smelled faintly of corn. Finding one, she moved back to Lucifer, waving her tail and placing the bottle between her paws before biting down on the cork and pulling it from the mouth of the liquor. "I found these a long time ago, it burns going down, but it's good. Makes you numb.." Moving away again, Vianni finds a strange metal turtle shell and turns it over so that the hollow dome was waiting to be filled. Twisting her head to pick the bottle up sideways, Vi pours a little into the turtle-bowl and smirks as it fills with the brown fire-water. Once there was a fair amount, Vi dips her head to release the bottle and ducked her head to lap delicately at the metallic scented liquid. It was nothing like water, and the burn of it on her tongue made her screw up her face and cough a bit. She wanted the feeling that came with the liquid, to have the numbness that she had before Lucifer came to make her feel again.

She was a monster, not some mewling kitten waiting to be petted. His avoidance was worse than his fangs, and she didn't know how to make it right. Maybe he would drink with her and they could find out, moving away from the bowl, Vianni sat in the darkness, the warmth spreading over her as the drink hit her gut. "Forgive me..." She said the words on a broken whisper, one that echoed through the room and was not echoed with the cawing of a magpie. Up to this point she had been so strong, so resistant, but now she was tired, hurting from the loss of an adopted child, and angry with the one who made it so he had to go away.  She wanted to hurt something, but was too hurt to actually commit to such things. Instead she decided to keep to her corner for now, wanting to reach out and soothe, to hurt, something to make the pain in her chest stop. Laying on the steel floor of her home, Vianni sighed and finally let the tears that had been stinging her eyes fall. She was silent in her crying, only the feathering of her barely choked out breaths could be heard.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.