
Stole My Heart (Acceptance)



06-24-2013, 10:16 PM

Treading quietly, carefully picking his way through the snow laden terra, Axerion surveyed the land stretching out before him. He had missed his home of Tortuga, and couldn't wait to see his sister again. He pushed forward, having a somewhat difficult time due to his small size, yet he was eager in his motions. He transitioned smoothly from a walk to a brisk trot, picking his paws up high to attempt not tripping. His silver eyes were bright with happiness and yet sadness at the thought of returning. He was upset he had been gone for two whole seasons, but he was back now, and he was ready to rejoin.

Approaching the border, he slowed, stopping before he crossed it. He lowered his head to sniff the scent, it washing over him and comforting him. "My heart wants to come home." He muttered to himself, and backed up, lifting his muzzle to the sky, his eyes fluttering closed as he let loose a strong howl requesting permission to enter. As he finished howling, he closed his maw, lowering his head and scanning the terra in front of him. He then lowered his bum onto the ground, leaning back on his haunches, tail curling around his paws.

I'm ready. He thought to himself, as he patiently awaited a ranked pack member to show up. He was looking forward to seeing his sister, May, and he could bet she would be joyed to see him again. Lapping at his chest fur, he started carefully grooming himself so when another wolf approached he would look great as always.

Strut, "Share Thoughts" I hate you

"You'll serve the cause."

Strut, "Share Thoughts" I hate you

"You'll serve the cause."