
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
02-28-2017, 09:44 AM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2017, 09:47 AM by Vianni.)
She lay wrapped in sorrow, bundled with pain, but now there was a warmth in her gut and a numbness to her mind that allowed her to relax enough to let the tears roll down her cheeks. It wasn't until the unfamiliar touch accosted her scruff that she even moved. Her body tensed and she moved to look at whoever dared touch her the way she had wanted Lucifer to do. The bite did not tighten, but tugged her to follow, and her dusty pink eyes found the bleeding red of Lucifer's gaze, recognizing pain and confusion, but unsure about his sudden display. As he pulled her to her paws, Vianni found a strange comfort in his gentleness, though she knew something was breaking inside her mate, why else would he suddenly change his way with her? Shock flowed through her veins, enough so that she didn't even fight him playfully, seeming to understand the difference in his behavior even though she really didn't.

When he released her, she nearly stopped, but his shoulder against her hip meant he wanted her to continue moving, made clear by the soft pressure he applied to her. Looking back at him, she could only see the white mask of his face in the darkness, and the expression born from internal conflict. Guilt speared her through the chest, and for a moment she forgot about her own sadness. Pinning her ears against her skull, Vianni tucked her tail between her legs and gathered her haunches to leap up on the bed. Laying down, she found another surprise waiting for her, the tender actions of Lucifer making her heart beat silvery wings against the cage of her chest until she was forced to make a small whimper as he wrapped himself around her. The warmth of his massive frame was decadent against her body, sinking deep into the ice of her soul and melted away some of her ire. His head lay over her neck, but she found the need to touch him was unbearable. Squirming for a better position, Vianni pushed herself up on the bed until she could reach his face.

The smell of salt was on his cheeks, and she was all too familiar with the scent of tears. For a moment, she could only blink in the darkness and wonder at this new male who claimed to be her mate. His actions had created something she wasn't sure would ever be hers, and she could feel the blossoming of something bright and warm within her chest. It was better than the whiskey she had consumed, and far more potent. The words of their original deal played through, and a slow smile stretched over her face, followed closely by a short chuckle. "We did a good job of not complicating things, Lucifer." It was said with a good-natured sarcasm, though her voice was dulled by sorrow. Still, today was a day of taking liberties with Lucifer it seemed, and she brought the reminder up because she had to warn him somehow. Without another word, Vianni turned her head and looked her mate over before trying to catch his gaze. Rolling to her side so that his head would rest on her ribcage, she leaned up and lightly nipped the tip of his tawny ear. "We have been together for a full season, it may be too soon for such foolishness, but you have my love. I may not be good at showing such things, but never doubt my affection or loyalty to you. You're like the one wolf in this world I would not betray, and it isn't only because you're fearsome." She had seen his heart the moment he found Noctus stealing from Corvus, had noted the exposed soft spot. It would seem the monochrome monster had managed to finally reach that tender area herself, and now she intended to see that space grow so that she may fit more comfortably inside.

If he allowed it, she would wash the salt from his face, as he had once offered to clean hers. Her motions were fluid, and soft, when she got to the thicker portions under his ear, she buried her nose into his fur until she felt his skin. Tracing his scars, Vianni learns of the hard life he had been forced to lead without having to understand the details. Her king had been molded by war and cruelty, though one glance at the scar on his chest would tell anyone about that, with skin this marked up it had gone further than that. No wonder he acted as though she had just snatched the foundation out from under him, basically that was exactly what she had done. But, she liked it! With his soap box ripped away from him, he had no choice but to step up and fit the pedestal Vianni had built for him. She wanted his fire, the ice in his soul, but she wanted to be the only wolf who could douse the flames and melt those glaciers. It seemed as though she found her key, now she had only to go unlock the doors and spruce him up a bit. It seemed submission and sweetness were the way to go, and as they lay wrapped together in the dark, Vianni found herself humming in a pleasant alto.

The song was one meant to comfort, and old song that was passed through her family for generations. As she cleaned him, she found that her own pain was diminishing. Corvus would be fine with Naamah, right now she wanted to focus on putting her mate back together.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.