
Fly away birdie

Sparrow I


7 Years
02-28-2017, 06:16 PM
Sparrow tried to huff away the anger that flooded over her at Lillianna's appearance. Disgusting. Lark could act all high and mighty about the pack staying together, but when it came down to it, he didn't want to be alpha, didn't want Raba to be alpha, didn't want his family to leave, but wanted to skip a meeting to get the most low-life tail Sparrow could think of.

Maybe that was a bit overboard... Lark was trying to do the right thing too, right? They were all lost still, right?

That wasn't a good excuse.

Lillianna was Starling's sloppy seconds, wasn't she?

Sparrow shook herself. Whatever, what did she care? She and Lark didn't even talk. They were hardly friends and barely siblings. They were still siblings. They shared blood. They both were more or less left by their mother. She still loved him, but why was he like this?

She didn't care.

It still bothered her.

Skank. Being so obvious, coming into the pack meeting and showing off how much they stank of each other.


Not to mention her father probably never even asked about her involvement with the pack. He probably didn't bat an eye that she poofed for however long- bless those days- but still gave Sparrow that sad look when she came back to the pack after her adventures.

Hypocrites. All of them.

Drop it. She needed to drop it.

Another huff and shake.

Okay, she was ready.

Sparrow approached Kakashi and dipped her head, offering a genuine smile. Her qualms were not with Kakashi. They were here to train.

"I- uh- don't know your fighting skill, but I think you have more experience than me so..." The girl hesitated. She didn't want to make Kakashi captain if he didn't want to be.

"Would you mind being captain? If so, it's fine, I just can't promise I have a whole lot to teach you."