
where the lights won't find you



7 Years
Extra large

02-28-2017, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2017, 03:12 PM by Lark.)
Lark had hardly noticed Sparrow's irritation at the meeting. Maybe because it was so... typical of her, as awful as that sounded. He'd gotten used to tension at meetings long ago and it hardly phased him now. He'd spent quite some time feeling terrible about how everything had turned out in his life, and he'd learned it was easier to ignore it most of the time. He hated that his siblings seemed to like coming and going so much, hated that he was no longer surprised when someone else left his life for an indeterminate amount of time. Part of him wished things were easier, like when he'd been a child, but he knew too much nostalgia would do him no good; things wouldn't ever go back to how they once had been and it was a waste of time to think they would.

After the training session was concluded, he headed toward the rapids. Part of him wanted to find Lillie again, but he was in a more dreary mood than he had been earlier today, and judging by his father's reaction to his being late he mostly wanted to be alone. He felt fatigue settle in his limbs as he headed toward the edge of the water, thinking of little more than getting a quick drink. Until he smelled Sparrow, that was.

It'd been awhile since he'd been close to his sister, it really had.. he'd always bonded most with Finch above them all, though he loved them all just the same. It seemed Sparrow was home permanently now, after coming and going so often when they were younger, which he was grateful for. Curious, he headed down the rapids to meet her, head dipping as he approached. His gaze was warm, his words soft. "Godetevi la vostra formazione?" he'd ask, the Italian rough on his tongue, unused for some time now. He'd never caught on as easily as, say, Starling, but as he got older he recognized the importance of tradition and he enjoyed having a way to speak with his siblings that most others couldn't comprehend.