
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-01-2017, 02:03 PM
She joined him easily and he felt her squirm beneath him but he only slightly lifted his chin to allow her to position herself how she wanted. He himself moved as well, hooking his rear leg nearest her around her rump and laying with his backside more on its side. His tail wrapped around to be over his leg. He truly was a giant when compared to her size. She was of course over his front legs and he allowed it to be that way. Her tongue rasping over his cheek brought no movement only a slight tensing. His eyes were dulled to the point one might believe him a dying man.

A large breath is released at her words. It was the only answer he would give to her try at sarcasm and making their deal into a joke. She was the one to complicate things beyond what they were when she first attacked him. Her next words had his ears pinning back. Love was not something he necessarily wanted. His father had implanted the thought that love meant pain to him and love just wasn't his favorite of emotions. His eyes went to hers from the side of their sockets. Only a moment did he watch, his eyes then moved to the male that Vianni had ended. He couldn't feel even a pang of hunger now, his gut numb with his depression. His chin tucks her closer as his ears pick up the light clicking of claws. It signified Noctus had returned. The scent of blood was accompanied by his return.

When the child entered Lucifer was quick with freeing a foreleg only to place it over Vianni with enough pressure to keep her where she was. Noctus was a little weighed down with a fully grown raven, Lucifer moved his eyes to Vianni  and signaled her to see with a motion of his head. Noctus was growling as he drug the feathered annoyance with him. His motions were noticed completely by Lucifer and as the child reached the bed Lucifer was quick with grabbing the boys scruff and lifting both boy and his bird to the bed. Corvus would have been harder for him to catch as the magpie was both smaller and more alert to his presence. He watched as Noctus dropped the bird happily and nudged it towards Vianni.

Their interactions might need to be monitored now. Noctus was who she blamed having to remove corvus on, so naturally he suspected her having no respect for the fact that the wolverine was his. He understood what the child had been doing with corvus, trying to not only play, but to try to catch him and return him to Vianni anytime he had left her side. She would eventually understand he was sure. The cub bore no ill intentions for the bird but because she saw the bird as her own she had in his opinion misinterpreted his actions. He stayed silent as Noctus gave a word to his action and likely made her understand. "Catch baby."

Lucifer watched then, ready to defend Noctus if he needed. He knew the child stood no chance against Vianni but the question was, was Vianni willing to turn against him to kill a child?
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.