
[M]I'm gonna show you crazy



4 Years
03-01-2017, 02:36 PM
For a moment, things were calm. While Lucifer had not truly given a response to her words other than a short huff at her sarcasm.  She cleaned him up, basking in the warmth of his embrace for a while they stayed like that, Vianni giving silent comfort to her mate. The clicking of blunt nails against metal signified that Lucifer's beast had returned, bringing with it all sorts of smells, including the scent of avian blood. With a growl, Vianni was attempting to move, but Lucifer was faster in pinning her with a tuck of his chin and his foreleg laying across her body. Looking to the entrance even before Lucifer motioned her, Vianni watches for the sight of Noctus, fully expecting to see Corvus between his teeth and ready to kill the whelp for his crime against her baby. When the creature enters with the black form of a raven within his jaws, she relaxes considerably, all concern and anger washed away as fast as they had risen. It wasn't her baby that the wolverine had caught, but a stray bird.

As Lucifer reaches down to scoop Noctus and his catch onto the bed, Vianni sits up to give more space for the bird and Lucifer's pet demon. Her ears laced back when he scooted the half-dead bird toward her, and gave a sharp, disdainful laugh. "This is not catch." With a black paw, Vianni turns the limp bird onto its back so that Noctus can see the frail, labored breathing of the black bird. "You were too hasty, too rough. The bird will die, Noctus." She saw the action for what it was, he hadn't meant to hurt the raven - at least, she didn't think he had. It wouldn't have been on purpose that he hurt Corvus either, but her baby had been even smaller than this bird. If Noctus had caught him even once, her bird would have died at his paws. Looking the cub over with a hard dusty gaze, Vianni wants to make sure he understood her.

Shaking her head, Vianni reached down to give an end to the fatally wounded bird and scooted it back to Noctus. "Plaything now." If he grabbed it, she would reach out and take him by the scruff, dragging him to lay at her belly as she turned to put her back against Lucifer's own gut. It was an odd feeling to be so calm, but without Corvus there to be threatened, she could at least dote on Noctus for a while. Wrapping her tail around her hind legs, she rested her head on her mate's hip and tried not to think about Corvus. She wanted the day over with, and the only way she knew to make that happen was to sleep. Maybe then they would feel more like themselves.  
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.