
Feast of Silence



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-02-2017, 09:06 AM

It was as far north as Amon had ever been, and the last place he expected to find his littermate. The world had transformed into a frozen wasteland, devoid of all plantlife. The land was scoured smooth by snow and ice, and even in the summer it was bitterly cold and windy. How the fuck had Pyralis wound up here? He chuckled to himself. He'd caught her scent a while back, but it was only thanks to her blatant tracks in the snow that he'd found her so quickly. "You lost, girlie?" He called out from behind her, when he thought he was close enough to be heard, hoping to catch her by surprise. Pyre was a bit smaller than him, but not by much. He hadn't seen her in long enough to have begun missing her, and was glad he'd spared the time to track her down.

He looked again at the world she'd led them to. It was a frigid wasteland unlike anything else he'd seen. It was both brutal and brilliant. "This is quite an interesting place you've found," he called out again, moving a bit closer to her. The wind bit into his fur, and he too turned to stare at the raging sea out beyond. It was an inspiring sight, truth be told. Amon decided there was a lesson to be learned in taking in the savagery of natural forces, and pondered. He sat a ways off from his sister, not exactly one to lavish another in physical affection, but that didn't mean he didn't like to be close to her. Amon did feel very strongly bonded with his littermates, and deep down he was glad to have come across Pyre again.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!