
stomach to the floor


06-24-2013, 11:21 PM

She had been so sure, so certain; would have placed all her biddings on a triumphant strike, on the rewarding sensation of crushing bones, the cracking and splintering as fragments echoed within her ears and fed her assurance even more so. Her heart had hovered light for the rewards, swaying towards her throat with anticipation, so thirsty for blood. But her hopes had come crashing down upon her lungs, somehow, against all odds; the bastard had managed to avoid the crippling latch. Sanctified only by the feeble crushing of veins and ligaments, Eos had to convalesce and promptly- though Gargoyle had now been partially disabled by the loss of a limb, and would potentially be victim to profound blood loss, the adrenaline-fuelled banshee was hardly contented. If she was going to win, she wouldn?t conquest half-heartedly, oh no- it was all or nothing in this twisted, perverse world. And so as she felt the beast gradually begin to topple over, she didn?t allow the dissatisfaction to curb her spirits; instead it only compelled her more voraciously onwards, veins impelling with the nostalgia of her greatest inner-being.

Immense frame wavered with disparity, trembling and quaking as he began to tip over, a daunting mirror of the collapsing stories of a sky-scraper; slow-motion, petrifying, and yet ever so awe-inspiring. She waited anxiously for the conclusive crash, for the vital few seconds of self-destruction as the beast?s flesh became so dangerously at one with the earth beneath him. She felt his liberated arm reach over her nape, combing agonizingly alongside the fresh lesion that huddled so hideously between her blades. A silent scowl creased the shield?s of her swords, jaws still grasping possessively at his wounded fore-pillar. He hit the earth, but it hadn?t been as fulfilling as Eos had hoped; instead he rocked his body, the dame?s weight laying over him as he sent hind legs thrashing towards her abdomen. What he was planning to achieve was not entirely predictable, but it wouldn?t phase her; had he of been a bear or beast with claws essentially worth using it may have been a different story, but the worn-blunt nails of a canine were hardly worth the labours. Hind limbs spread, stabilising herself on either side of him.

She responded with irritancy, a low growl rumbling within the chasms of her voice-box as she began to shake her head brutally; skull quaking from side to side as she attempted to inflict a few moments of finalizing damage on that frail limb; then she would release, satisfied with whatever harm had been done. As she retracted from the grasp she would open her eyes, barely to a defensive slit, ears still pinned. Now she could move on, her next attack already brewing behind her venomous gaze; mind becoming oblivious to the attempted ripping and scratching that thrummed almost innocuously beneath her. But before she could wholly readjust herself, potentially one of the most unforeseeable assaults had already been emitted vulgarly upon her; liberty was spurred so effortlessly from her grapple, and Eos? armaments had found themselves swiftly incarcerated and disabled. His jaws closed around her skull without warning, holding her at an unnatural and awkward angle; eyes snapped closed, facial muscles balling themselves in attempted defence. Naturally her left fore-arm would reach over, pointed toes beginning to claw incessantly at his face, his unprotected eyes, a whole-hearted and frantic attempt to inflict enough pain to force him off of her.

Pressure increased around her cranium, but there wasn?t so much pain as there was discomfort; the fine trails of blood that departed miniscule pin-holes were but an illusion, crimson lies who suggested a false agony that tried ever so desperately to present itself. The male may have had his tactics in line, but whatever he was trying to achieve injury wise was not going to be successful; still though, Eos?s fore-paw thrashed viciously at his eyes, blindly attempting to damage the ever-so-tender sockets of his skull. An instant later, fuelled by the abhorrence of being so constricted, she would reach the other, right forearm beneath her skull and send a sharp, pointed jab towards his throat, initiated more as endeavoured defence than attack. Her chest lay against his own now, every expansion of his lungs and thrum of his heart reverberating against her rib-cage. If she stayed where she was, she would be powerless, and well- that wouldn?t do. Spine began to twist, muscles contracting within her nape to vigilantly rotate her skull from side to side, the male?s canines leaving shredded paths of scarlet as the lady somehow managed to free herself of his death-imposing grasp. The rounded form of her cranium perhaps to thank for plausibility.

One, lone, wrenching motion and she had released herself of his grip, it was simultaneously that she would reverse the momentum; cranium rotating to point her snout towards him, right fore-leg reaching ambitiously towards the base of his jaw to try compel it backwards; exposing the shallowest gulf of his jugular, she would strike with the venom-laced fangs of a cobra, demise dripping with copious peril; welling beneath her tongue, electrifying her veins, invigorating her mind and infecting her cadaver. Body began to pulse with ailment, mind clouding, polluting her psyche with the inky black fog of contamination; hidden vision, once a vibrant and luminous lime-green, began to swirl with a false, callous black. Ambitions of leadership were drowned now by the cravings to grate his gullet, to unthread his veins from his collar, to watch his jugular pound beneath the surface as his life spilled out across the carpets of reality. Eos didn?t want to merely experience his pulse on her tongue, no that would hardly be gratifying, so she would thrash her skull so voraciously and brutally that the flesh would tear from beneath his jaws, that the clock-work of his body would be viewable to the bystanders. Let them see his anatomy, from the inside out.

Eos vs. Gargoyle ? Round 3 of 4

Attacks: Eos finalizes her Round 2 attack by shaking her skull from side to side whilst holding Gargoyle's left forelimb, then she releases. Before she can attack again, Gargoyle's achieves a grip on her skull with his jaws, Eos naturally uses her left front paw to swipe and claw blindly at Gargoyle's unprotected eyes, mainly his right due to the angles. She also sends a sharp, pointed jab to his throat with her right paw, though this is initiated more as a defence out of desperation. After a few moments Eos manages to break free (inflicting more harm on herself during), using her jerking backwards motion to reverse her energy; she rotates her skull so her nose is pointing towards his own, and using her right front paw she attempts to push up under his jaw, potentially forcing his skull backwards so the lady has a clear shot at his jugular and throat. She then sends her nape and nose propelling towards him, where she hopes to achieve a calculated grip on the shallowest point of his jugular (usually a bit lower down the neck than most expect, not right under the jaw), quickly she would begin to shake her head from side to side, hoping to tear flesh, vessels and damage his jugular enough to cause him to bleed out.

Defenses: When the pair falls, Eos stabilizes her hind limbs on either side of Gargoyle's hips. Eyes were closed during the attack of Gargy's limb and ears were pinned, when she retracts her hold she opens eyes only to a slit so she can pinpoint her next attack, ears still pinned. When Gargoyle attacks her skull, she naturally holds her eyes closed again very tightly, tensing all the muscles in her face. In defense she claws hopfully at his eyes with the left forepaw and attempts to send a swift jab to his throat with the right, trying to cause pain and force him to release his hold.

Injuries: Large, deep bite wound to the nape/between the shoulders, though it will scar and take time to heal, it has not harmed anything vital; thanks to the fat layer in that area. I was a bit unsure with injuries in regards to Gargoyle's attack to the skull, since it's such a firm and muscle-less area, all that could be done would be superficial skin wounds, unless of coarse he managed a hair-line fracture to the skull or something, which Eos wouldn't be aware of. I suppose judge will decide this. So for now, on the right side of her head she has small, bleeding pin-holes in the skin from his lower incisors and canines. On the left she has superficial pin-holes, and also tearing through the skin and thin tissue a few centimeters long from Gargoyle's canines where she tried to free herself from his hold. I imagine these will scar and may be prone to infection. Superficial scratches and bruising to the lower abdomen from his hind legs.

Ooc: <3