
Beneath a Bloodred Sky (IVORY RIDGE)

Rœkia T


4 Years
03-03-2017, 07:21 PM

The thrill of avenging her mother had warn of swiftly, the reality of what she'd done and the mistakes she'd made along the way echoed in her mind. Fool! She should have made absolutely sure her victim was alone before poisoning the girl. She'd been enjoying her work when she'd caught the scent of the second and then it was a mad dash for safety, for the twists and desolate turns of a place she never thought they'd look for her. However, her instincts told her she was far from safe. She could feel caution humming in her bones…. but also pleasure. She'd made a brilliant stab at the usurper's line! Oh she could almost hear Aerndís cheering her from the battlefield beyond. The remnants of those bastards that drove her mother from their home, that ultimately lead to her death. Dægmar and Birna both and now she was going to claim something from them. It felt simply delicious!

Wolf landed next to her as she peered up a canyon wall. Now the trick was going to be getting away with it. She'd simply seized an opportunity. Her stunt was nowhere near as polished as she'd wanted it to be and she still had a checklist of those she needed vengeance on, namely Peregrine's attackers. Like hell she was dying before giving them their dues!

Rœkia moved switfly, she needed to press on. This was probably enough of a detour to keep them off her trail if they'd managed to follow her all the way here. She'd keep them lost in these canyons for days while she slunk off to the Deadman's Scrap to hide until the whole thing blew over a bit more. Rœkia froze suddenly as she thought she heard the sound of claws on stone. Her heart started to race but she couldn't quite pinpoint which direction the sound was coming from. She bolted and as she turned a corner she came face to face with her pursuers.
