
Beneath a Bloodred Sky (IVORY RIDGE)



4 Years
Extra large
03-03-2017, 07:26 PM

Karabela moved swiftly, navigating around the treacherous canyon walls, picking her way nimbly from foothold to foothold until at last she found the corridor Magpie had fled into. As swiftly as she'd ascended she now descended. Her life in Fenrir's Maw priming her for this task and she landed on the canyon floor with a thump and a second later she was barreling down the corridor like a shot, intense, focused. She called out prayers to her mother silently as she ran. If it was true that there was some blood feud between Dægmar's line and that of Aerndís then she wanted to make doubly sure she did her mother proud. She personally didn't know what any of this was about but by the spirits she was going to get her answers or die trying.

The moment Magpie was in view Karabela lunged, jaws seizing her left hind leg, just above the hock and with a powerful bite she broke the other woman's leg. She felt a rush of adrenaline at the scream and she dragged the other down back to the canyon floor. She could howl for the others later, right now she needed to secure the target. Karabela shifted her grip and leapt forward so her teeth ripped into the already injured scruff, eliciting another cry from the woman. Her chest was on the others back as she straddled her, making sure her weight was solidly over the other before she spoke. "Surrender now and you may be able to walk back to Ivory Ridge." She snarled. "Refuse and I remove your body parts, starting with your ears. Now tell me, why did you do such a thing!"


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king