
Beneath a Bloodred Sky (IVORY RIDGE)



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
03-03-2017, 10:01 PM
Chaos shifted obligingly to allow Raba to her feet, then rose to his own to match her grin. "Good," he said with relish. Broke her leg, eh? His grin faded as hers changed to a frown. Brows rose in surprise at her words, then drew together and lowered in a thoughtful frown. He couldn't deny that her though process was logical. He certainly wasn't a deep thinker by any means - he wasn't stupid, far from it, but thinking things through at that level wasn't really his usual mode of operation so it came as a surprise to him how protective he felt, how rooted in Ivory Ridge he'd become. Responsibility, he thought dryly, had already changed him, and he'd just been a soldier in Raba's pack. He had to wonder what he'd have turned out like if that damned virus hadn't struck Imperium and taken it from his family. He squeezed his eyes shut for a heartbeat before opening them and staring fully into Raba's gaze. Would he be as good an alpha as his father had been? He'd never expected to be alpha - in Imperium he'd had three full siblings and three half-siblings before him as far as straight inheritance went. "All right, Raba," he said slowly, his heart quickening with his acceptance. "I'll take the pack." A grin quirked up one side of his muzzle. "Never thought of myself as a boss type, but like you said, I guess it runs in my blood." He rested his forehead on hers a moment - not as easily done as tall as she was - as though in benediction. "Good luck, Raba. I'll take care of them. I swear it."

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write