
one grand moment is all i ask



10 Years
Extra large
03-03-2017, 10:42 PM
Áki's gaze was inviting as the stranger approached, appreciating the raw strength hidden behind his pelt. His grin broadened, glad that he didn't turn away his hospitality -- not that he was giving much. He'd never been one to turn away the prospect of company, especially when he'd never really enjoyed the concept of a piece of land belonging to anyone in particular. He had no claim over this place any more than Amon did, and wouldn't even begin to tell him otherwise. His grin widened at the descriptive words he used, all of which sounded better than the word warm. "Smothered is a much better word, yes," he agreed, tongue lolling from his mouth as his head lifted a bit higher. Being inactive, at least, had made the humidity feel far more bearable.

His gaze followed Amon's as it lifted to the the rafters, seeming wary of the structure but not enough to keep him away. The brute shifted, his paws dangling over the edge of the tractor. 'An odd lair you've made for yourself,' he commented, and Áki grunted in easy agreement. "Isn't it, though?" he snorted softly in agreement. "I've been here once before and apparently it was... memorable enough to return to. Can't say I've seen anywhere quite like it either." Memorable was an understatement; he thought fondly, and briefly, of the man he had encountered here. He wouldn't at all be disappointed to run into him again, though he'd never caught a whiff of his scent again since that day.

Curiosity shone in his crimson stare, tusked head jerking to the side, hoping to invite him closer. Hell, he probably wouldn't flinch if the man decided to join him on the tractor, though he'd have to shuffle around to make room for the two of them. "The name's Áki Jarvela, by the way," he offered gladly after a moment of consideration. "What's your name, handsome?" He felt no shame in throwing a compliment his way, though he was fine with retracting it if the man was less than receptive to his advances.