



4 Years
03-04-2017, 02:18 PM

Leaving Balthazaar and Branwen to their resting in the lower branches of a great redwood tree Naudir slipped away into the stillness of the day. Nostalgia and memory had pulled her home to Yfir's packlands and it was there she'd decided she would set up a permanent residence until some whisper on the wind told her the Finnvi were to rise again. She already had such hopes after meeting two of her sisters that they might yet rise from the silence that had befallen them. As she made her way deeper into the forest she caught the lingering trails of her mother's scent. Eyes wide she quickly began to track. The trail she'd discovered was faint and her nostrils flared as she sniffed about, searching out a stronger thread to pull her towards her mother.

Naudir let out a soft howl to alert her mother know she was looking for her and also to call her companions to her. As she rounded a particularly large redwood she saw them. Her mother and Ræsa was here to! "Mother!" Naudir yelled and raced toward the other woman as she tried to lick at the others muzzle. She'd been so swept up in the thrill of seeing Katja again that for a moment she didn't notice the cloudiness but when she did her breath caught sharply in her throat and she leaned back taking in the woman's condition. Her dull coat, her skinny frame. Naudir swore. "Oh, mother, what have they done to you?" Branwen and Balthazaar appeared then and Naudir turned sharply toward them. "The remains of the deer kill, bring me some, as much as you can carry." In a moment her companions were off and she turned back to her her ailing mother, sparing a worried glance at Ræsa. What should they do?
